A Bloody Beach

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Isabelle was in her car, driving on the road when she realized that something was wrong. Wasn't she just involved in a terrible accident? She asked herself.

She realized that what happened to her at the office had happened again. She had unconsciously reversed time to a few seconds before she was attacked on the road by the strange car which meant it was about to happen again.

Isabelle heard the car and saw it some yards behind her and this time, she was going to make sure she prevented the accident from happening and also intended on finding out who was driving the car.

She held her breath and stepped on her brakes and pulled up to the side of the road. The car behind her kept driving and sped past her. Isabelle looked out her window as the car zoomed past her and was unfortunately unable to see the face of the driver but she did study the make and colour of the car.

She watched the car drive away and for a moment, she played with the idea of following it so she could find out who was inside it but she didn't do so. She watched the vehicle drive off until it was out of sight and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Who the hell was that?" She asked just before her phone began to ring.

She picked it up, "Hello, Gwen?"

"Izzy, I'm already at the bar. Where are you?" Gwen asked.

"I'm almost there. I just had a little hold-up on the road but I'll be there soon," she told her cousin before hanging up.

She turned the car back on and continued driving so she could get to Gwen.

Jennifer had driven away from Isabelle's car after she parked on the side of the road just as she was about to run her rented car into Isabelle's. She didn't understand why Isabelle stopped but it seemed like she was suspicious of the car behind her and Jennifer didn't understand why she would be.

Now, she was parked in the dark bushes right off the road as she waited for Isabelle to drive by so she could tail her again.

"Where is this bitch? She's not going to get away from me this time and not even her demon friends are going to save her from me. Not even God himself," Jennifer said while waiting.

She wasn't discouraged by Isabelle's possible suspicion. She was still very eager to carry out her plan tonight and nothing was going to stop her.

Jennifer opened the closed compartment near the gear of the car and eyed the loaded gun that was inside of it; a gun whose bullets were meant for Isabelle.

Just then, Isabelle's car sped by and just as it did, Jennifer shut the compartment and turned her car back on.

"There you are," she said and followed behind her. She kept a fairly good distance so Isabelle wouldn't see her car and get cautious again.

A few minutes later, Isabelle parked in one of the spaces at the bar she was meeting her cousin and went inside.

Jennifer arrived there only a few seconds later and decided to wait in one of the parking spaces until Isabelle was ready to go back home. That was when she would try to strike again!




"There you are! I was thinking you were going to call and cancel on me," Gwen said when Isabelle walked over to her inside the bar.

"Sorry I'm a little late," Isabelle apologized and went in for a hug.

"Did anything happen? Are you okay?" Gwen asked when she noticed something a bit off about her cousin.

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