Nephalem, Verum and Summum

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Josh and Isabelle were in bed after enjoying their time in the heated pool. They had enjoyed a fun evening together and despite how much they would have loved to do more, there was only so much their tired bodies could take for one night. They were both worn out from the stress of the day and the warm water from the pool had added to that calming and relaxed feeling that they felt, which was why they went to bed early.

Isabelle woke up in the middle of the night because she thought she heard a noise coming from outside the bedroom. It was a faint sound and she wasn't sure what it was but was certain that something had moved around outside. She wanted to wake Josh and tell him about it but she decided not to when she saw how peaceful he looked as he slept. She didn't want to bother him so she decided to go out and check where the noise was coming from by herself.

She got out of bed, put on her slippers and went out of the bedroom. She moved through the house and made it to the living room. She looked around but she didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary so she went out back and checked the jacuzzi area but there was nothing there either. She proceeded to go to the kitchen and she didn't find anything there either.

She stood by the doorway of the kitchen and placed a palm on her forehead. She sighed heavily, frustrated at herself for letting her nerves get the best of her.

"Get a hold of yourself, Iz," she muttered.

As she turned around to head back to bed, she came face to face with a dark ghostly figure in the shape of a woman and it whispered her name just before it wrapped itself around her in a cloud of dark smoke.

Isabelle screamed as the smoke consumed her and the next thing she knew, she was back in bed with Josh. She shot up to a sitting position, gasping in fright and whimpering in fear.

Josh heard her stirring around so he woke up as well. He noticed that she was distressed so he held her closely.

"Iz, are you okay? What's wrong? What happened?" He asked her.

"I don't know," she said while shaking, "I think it happened again,"

"What happened? What are you talking about?" Josh asked, confused.

"The time reverse thing. It just happened to me. I went downstairs because I thought I heard a noise but, I ran into something," she said but Josh didn't understand.

"What did you run into?"

"It looked like a woman but, it was made out of smoke. Black smoke. It circled me and I felt a weird presence. It didn't feel human," she said, still shaking in fear.

"Where was it?" Josh asked.

"In the kitchen," Isabelle answered.

"Alright, wait here," Josh said and got out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Isabelle was worried.

"It's okay, babe. I'm just going to check it out. I'll be alright, ok?" He assured her.

Josh grabbed a bat that was laying right beside the door and walked out of the room to go and inspect what Isabelle claimed to have seen.


Meanwhile, Cleo was still with the Celestials in her house and was explaining to them the truth that they were not aware of. The more she spoke, the less they understood and Sader just couldn't take it anymore.

"Enough! Just, just stop talking. None of anything you've said makes any sense," The demon cut in.

"That's because you're not listening to me," Cleo replied.

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