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Back at Josh's home, Hannah and Garin were getting ready to leave. She was feeling a lot better now and her wounds were healed, not completely but good enough to get back out there.

The lovers stood in the middle of the living room, tightly holding on to each other as they prepared to go. Garin held Hannah in his hands and kissed her forehead while whispering a few things to her. They were about to venture out and face the might of the angels and even if they managed to win that battle, they knew another one would be waiting for them in the form of Gentel and Sader.

Realistically, they didn't stand a chance and they both knew it but, they weren't going to give up. They had made it through so much worse to surrender now and if they were to die, they would go down fighting.

"Are you both going to be okay?" Isabelle asked them.

Hannah moved away from Garin's arms and walked over to the human. She took Isabelle's hands in hers and smiled at her.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Isabelle. The chances that we make it of this alive are next to nothing but it's not going to stop us from trying. Whatever happens to us, I just want to say thank you, for all you and Josh have done for us," Hannah told her.

Isabelle knew exactly what this was. It was a final farewell and it pained her to think that this would be the last time she would ever see Hannah again. It wasn't fair, she thought. It just wasn't right.

"Goodbye, Hannah," Isabelle said and hugged her.

Garin walked over to Isabelle and hugged her as well. He used a finger to wipe off the tear on her face and smiled at her.

"Don't cry, Child. When one journey ends, another begins and the cycle continues. Take care of Josh and make sure to treasure the time you have with him," He stared at his angel, "That's the only thing worth fighting and dying for; LOVE."

Garin took Hannah's hands and the both of them walked out the door before disappearing to face their fates. Whatever was to happen, they would face it together.


The elevator bell dinged and the doors slid open. Jennifer stepped out of them and walked back to her desk. She was trembling uncontrollably and when she got to her desk, she drank some water to help calm her nerves.

Her conversation with Gentel was by far the most frightening five minutes of her life but at least, she was able to make a deal with the demon.

She could still hear the icy sound of her voice warning her of the consequences if she should fail to deliver her end of the deal.

"For the sake of your soul, I hope you'll be able to get me what I want," Gentel had said to her.

"I will. I'll keep an eye on Josh and Isabelle and when the ones you want come to them, I'll do as you've asked so you'll be able to catch them. I won't fail you," Jennifer told the demon.

"Good! If you make it possible for me to have Hannah and Garin, then I will make sure you get what you want. He'll be all yours and no one else's," Gentel assured her.

Now that the deal had been made, Jennifer needed to find a way to deliver on her end. How was she to do so? She wondered. She really didn't think this all the way through but she wasn't a quitter. She would find a way to do what she needed to in order to get what she wanted.

She looked over at Josh's office and the way her eyes focused on him would suggest that she was willing to do anything to have him as her own. Anything at all.


Hannah and Garin were back in the desert, waiting for Fawn and Norae to arrive so they could finish this fight once and for all. They weren't about to run away again only to be found later on. Now was the time to take a stand and face the angels whose mission was to end their lives.

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