Entranced By You

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“Ok, Isabelle. This is what we’re going to do. I’m going to need you to lay back on the couch and look up, alright?” Doctor Felicia Greene instructed.

Isabelle did as the doctor had asked. She lay on the couch and faced up and as much as she tried to hide her nervousness from the doctor, she couldn’t.

“It’s going to be alright, Isabelle. I’ve done this a hundred times before so you don’t have to worry,” she assured her.

“Ok, doc,” Isabelle said.

But she did worry because she knew how serious this was and was afraid that she could lose herself and have this other part of her completely take over. It wouldn’t exactly be great for her life or her career if she wasn’t herself anymore.

And her mother! How would she feel if anything happened to her only child? She was already worried that Isabelle left the house this morning without telling her where she was going, she was worried that Isabelle wasn’t looking too healthy and was also worried about so many other things and adding this to the list would not be good for her health because she’d worry herself to death.

“Now, close your eyes and try to relax. I’m going to hypnotize you so we can extract this other personality from your subconscious.”

“What if we can’t? What if it doesn’t work?” Isabelle asked, worried.

“It may not work today but over time, we’re going make progress and eventually, you’ll be able to go back to your normal life without having to worry about this,” The doctor assured her.

“Ok,” Isabelle said with tension, “I’m ready,”




“I’m fine, Rita. I think I just had a stomachache or something but I’m feeling a lot better. I’m even on my way to the office,” Josh said on the phone with Isabelle’s mom.

“That’s great to hear, my dear. I was worried when you left,” she said.

“There’s no need to worry. How about Isabelle? How’s she doing?”

“Who knows anything with that girl? She left by 8:30 this morning but would not say where she was going. I know she didn’t go to work because she’s on some sort of vacation so where did she go?”

“With respect, Rita, Isabelle is a grown woman and if she had somewhere to go this morning, then she can,”

“I’m not saying she can’t, but at least let your mother know. Is that too much to ask?” Mrs Rita said as she lowered the volume of the TV.

“It’s not,” Josh chuckled, “Thank you for checking up on me, Rita. I have to get going now but whenever I have the chance, I’ll swing over there for a visit,” Josh said.

“OK, Josh. Have a great day at work. Bye,” she hung up the phone with a huge smile on her face.

“I can tell you’re already very fond of him, Aunty,” Gwen said as she stepped out of her room.

“He’s a good boy and he’s good for Isabella. I have this feeling that this is the man for her,” Mrs Rita said to Gwen.

Gwen nodded in agreement but was thinking the exact opposite. It wasn’t her place to say anything so she didn’t.

“Well, Aunt, I’m off to work,” Gwen said and walked toward the door.

“Wait, Gwen,”


“Why are you staying with Isabella and not with your husband, Andrew?”

“What?” Gwen asked. She didn’t see that question coming at all.

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