Truth Be Told

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Several minutes after Josh passed out on the wheel, he slowly woke up and found himself sitting in a slightly dark room. He was a bit woozy and couldn’t see quite clearly but he looked around and his vision slowly became clearer.

He wasn’t sure where he was or what was happening and then, he remembered that he was in the car. He instinctively raised his hands to grab the steering wheel but there was no steering wheel in front of him. Instead, there was a table and sitting on the other side of that table was Isabelle and she looked just as confused and clueless as Josh did.

“Josh? What are you doing in my room? How did you get in here and why is there a table in the middle of my room?” Isabelle asked.

She was also slightly woozy and didn’t understand what was happening. The last thing she remembered was going to bed and now this was happening! She was so confused.

“I don’t know how I got here. One minute, I was driving home from work and the next, I wound up here,” Josh told her, “Maybe Garin was the one who brought me here,”

“How do you know that name?” Isabelle asked in surprise.

Josh noticed the realization on her face and could tell that Isabelle had spoken to Hannah and was for up to speed with everything that was happening to her. He was so glad that he could finally speak to her about this because the last time he tried to tell her, she was too emotional to listen to him.

“That’s the name of the demon that’s living in my head. Hannah’s true love or something like that,” Josh said to her.

“It’s happening to you too,” Isabelle said in shock and it was more a statement than it was a question.

“It is happening to him too because the both of you are bonded just like the both of us,” Garin’s voice said in the darkness.

The lights in the room came on and revealed Hannah standing behind Isabelle and Garin standing right behind Josh.

Josh looked up and saw the face he’d been seeing for so long, finally standing right in front of him and just her mere presence alone was intoxicating.

“That’s Hannah. She’s standing right there,” Josh said and stood up from his seat.

“She sure is,” Garin answered with a smile directed at his wife who smiled back.

“Does this mean that you two are now strong enough to exist independently?” Josh asked and hoped the answer would be affirmative.

“Unfortunately, it doesn’t,” Hannah replied.

“But it is progress and after a while longer, we will get strong enough,” Garin answered.

“Okay, can someone please explain what the hell is going on here?” Isabelle yelled.

Everyone else seemed calm and collected, like the situation was a normal one and she was the only one who was still in the dark and she didn’t like it at all.

“As I said earlier today, I am an angel and Garin over there is a demon. You said you didn’t believe me so I decided to prove it to you,” Hannah told her.

“Wait a minute! You’re a demon and your soul mate is an angel?” Josh asked Garin.

“Yeah, we are,” Garin answered.

“Oh, my God! Now it all makes sense. I mean, it’s still completely unbelievable but now some things actually make more sense,” Josh said to Garin with enthusiasm.

“This is a dream. This can’t be real! I must be dreaming this,” Isabelle said in a panic as she paced around her bedroom.

“It’s not a dream, Isabelle. Right now, it’s so crazy and I wish this was a dream but it’s not. They’re telling the truth,” Josh said to her.

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