The Festival

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866 A.D

A month after their baby was born, Hannah and Garin felt so much happiness that they had never felt before. They loved their child very much and they treasured her more than they had ever treasured anything else in their lives. As much as they were happy to have Jasmine in their lives, they were also always scared and on edge due to the fear that she might one day be taken away from them by God or Lucifer. It was a fear that they felt every single day since she was born.

Hannah grew abnormally attached to the baby. She would spend all of her time with her and would not go anywhere without her. She couldn't even trust anyone else to hold the baby, let alone watch her for hours. The only person she trusted with Jasmine was her father because she knew that he would never let anything or anyone hurt her.

Garin was also in love with the baby but the love he felt for her was different from what he had felt for anyone before, even Hannah. She was the first person he had ever loved and now, he had someone else whom he was willing to die for.

Whenever he was around Jasmine, he would feel more heat in his body than usual and his heart would smile when he saw her perfect little face. She had all his physical features, as well as her mother's and Garin was certain that although her birth was a mystery, she was certainly their biological child and he was going to protect her forever.


On this particular morning, Hannah woke up with a huge smile on her face, in the best mood she could be in because today was the day she and the people of Amania had been waiting for. It was the day that everyone had been looking forward to; The Festival Of Thanks!

As she always did whenever she woke up, Hannah checked on Jasmine who was sleeping in a small crib right beside her and Garin's bed. The baby was still asleep so Hannah detached her carrier from the crib and took the baby to the living room with her so she could begin preparing for the festival.

Garin wasn't at home. He had left the house very early in the morning to get to the festival ground so he and the rest of the men could set up all the decorations and structures that they had built for the occasion.

Hannah's job, or at least one of her jobs was to join the women to do the cooking for the party. She had already prepared her orchestra of little musicians and they were going to perform tonight but now that it was still morning, Hannah needed to get to the main square where all the women were gathering to cook together for the entire town.

Hannah got herself some breakfast and while she ate, Jasmine woke up from her sleep with a soft cry.

"Oh no, my little girl, don't cry. Mommy's here for you. Mommy's right here," Hannah said to the baby softly and took her out of her carrier.

It took her almost an hour to do everything she needed to do before leaving for the square. She was able to feed Jasmine, feed herself and she also bathed the baby but because she was running out of time, she didn't take her bath.

"Are you ready to go, little Jasmine?" She said in a sing-song to her when she was ready to leave.

"Let's go then. Today's is going to be a very great day."

Hannah went outside the house with her baby and smiled at the sky when she saw how perfect the morning was. There was not a single cloud in the bright blue sky and the sun was shining majestically over the land. Hannah had a good feeling about today and despite all the anxiety she had over Jasmine's safety, she planned on enjoying this festival. It was going to serve as the start of an entirely different life, one free of all the mistakes of the past and loaded with the Wonder expectations of the future.

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