Angelic Hypnosis

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Isabelle found herself in the nexus of her mind but she had no idea that that was where she was because rather than looking like an endless void or a different dimension, she was inside a small cottage and the house felt like home to her although she had never been in it her entire life.

“Isabelle? Isabelle, can you hear me?” Dr Felicia asked.

“Yes, I can,” Isabelle answered as she walked around inside the cottage.

“Where are you right now?” The doctor asked.

“I’m in a wooden house but I don’t know whose house this is,” she answered.

“Okay, now listen to me. I want you to walk around the house until you find the front door. When you do, I want you to step out of it and go outside. Do you understand?” She asked.

“Yes, I understand,” Isabelle answered and began looking for the door.

Her mind was in the house but her physical body was still in Doctor Felicia’s office, lying on her couch. She was fully hypnotized and was on a journey of self-discovery even though it didn’t seem that way to either her or the doctor.

“I found the door,” Isabelle said.

“Good! Now, open the door and walk out of it,”

Isabelle did as the Doctor instructed and opened the door. She looked outside but all she saw was a bright light so she walked out the door and left it open behind her. As she moved closer to the light, it began to dim until it was gone and she could see what was in front of her and she marvelled at the sight of it.

“I’m out the door, Doctor,” she said.

“Good! Now, tell me what you see,” Dr Felicia asked.

“Paradise. I see a paradise,” Isabelle said with a happy smile on her face.

“What do you mean by paradise?” The doctor asked.

“It’s a beautiful piece of land, like a meadow and it’s filled with so many different colours of flowers and there are birds in the blue sky, butterflies around and it’s just so peaceful,” Isabelle described.

“What else do you see?” The doctor asked.

“There are mountains up ahead and I can see water flowing down the stream just in front of me,” Isabelle said as she looked around and then, she spotted something else man-made.

“There’s also a line,” she said.

“What do you mean a line?”

“A clothing line for drying laundry under the sun but there are no clothes on it,” she answered.

“Is anyone around? Do you see a person?”

Isabelle looked around for anyone but there wasn’t a person in sight. She was about to tell the doctor that she was alone but that was when she heard Hannah’s voice call to her from behind.

“Hello, Isabelle. Good to see you again,” the angel said and she was standing beside the open door.

“You…” Isabelle said to her.

“Who, Isabelle? Who do you see? Is it the woman in your…” The doctor was asking but the sound of her voice suddenly became muted to Isabelle as soon as Hannah closed the door of the cottage.

“Yes, it’s her. It’s the same woman,” Isabelle answered in her mind but the words didn’t leave her mouth in the physical world.

“She cannot hear you anymore, Isabelle. It’s just the two of us now,” Hannah said to her.

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