
17 3 0

851 A.D

Hannah sat in the fields in the evening picking berries and putting them in her basket. She was also deep in thought about the day she and Garin first arrived on Earth.

They’d been so lost and confused because they weren’t sure what to do next. They didn’t have their powers for the first time since their creation and they were in an unfamiliar place, outcasted and afraid, alone in an alien world. They may have known what the Earth was like but they had no idea how to live in it without their powers. Eventually, they adapted and learned.

If it wasn’t for Garin, they probably wouldn’t have made it. He was strong and resourceful. He made friends with some of the men in the area where they found themselves and quickly learned how to work with tools. He and Hannah built their home from scratch, all by themselves and had lived peacefully ever since. It was, up until that point, a perfect life.

Hannah slipped out of the memory and realised that the sun was starting to set. She grabbed her basket of berries so she could go back home. She left the fields and on her way back, ran into two young men standing along the path.

“Look what we have here! A fine specimen indeed.” One of the men said, throwing hungry looks her way.

Hannah ignored them and kept walking but the other young man stood in front of her and blocked her way.

“Could you please move so I can get home?” She asked nicely, feeling a little nervous because she could tell that these men didn’t have good intentions.

“Why are you in such a hurry? We just want to get to know you better.” The other man said and tried to touch her face but she pushed his hand away.

“You’re not very friendly, are you?” He said with a dark scowl.

“Just get away from me!” She screamed and tried to run past him but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back.

In a desperate attempt to save herself, she swung her basket towards him and struck him in the face, forcing him to release her. She started to run but before she could get far, the second man tackled her to the ground and pinned her down.

“No, get your hands off me. Let me go!” She screamed out frantically but it was of no use. There was no one around to save her.

The two men got on top of her and held her down. She scrambled for something to defend herself with and her hand found a rock. She grabbed it and tried to strike one of the men on the head but he saw her and reacted quickly. He caught her hand and pinned it down.

“Please, stop it,” Hannah begged in tears but her pleas fell on deaf ears as these two men intended to violate her.

They started to touch her body which made her skin crawl. She was so scared and didn’t know what to do so she began screaming for help.

“Someone help me, help!” She cried out and to shut her up, one of the men punched her in the face and knocked her out.

Now that she was unconscious, they could easily have their way with her but before they could, they heard the rustling of leaves coming from just ahead.

“Someone’s coming,” One man said to the other.

In a panic, they both ran away and took Hannah’s fruit basket along with them and left her there with a bruise on her face. The rustling got closer and from the shadows of the setting sun came Garin. His connection to Hannah had made him sense that something was amiss with her which made him immediately come searching for his wife. He was so shocked to see her lying on the ground, barely moving and his shock became fear as he rushed over to her side.

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