Lilies And Hurricanes (Part 1)

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865 A.D

Tomorrow was the anniversary of the day Hannah and Garin arrived in Amania and he had a special surprise planned for Hannah. He decided to keep her in the dark for the entire day so he could get everything he needed in place for tonight.

Garin was supposed to go to work today but he decided not to so he could plan his surprise instead. If everything was to go smoothly, he would need some help so he asked a few of his friends to help him out and their most important job was to make Hannah think that Garin was going to be at work so she wouldn’t suspect that he was planning anything.

They arrived at his house in the morning to “get him” so they could “get to work” on some new projects. Hannah was all dressed and ready to head out to her school for the day but seeing the two men at their home so early in the morning aroused her suspicion.

“Fara, Abu, what brings the two of you here this early in the morning?” Hannah asked after she saw them in the living room speaking to Garin.

“Oh, good morning, Hannah,” Fara answered.

“We were on our way to the site and we decided to pick Garin up on our way. We need our Master builder with us at all times so we can build the biggest ship this land has ever seen,” Abu said to her.

What he said wasn’t technically a lie because the people of Amania were planning to build the biggest ship the world had ever seen and Garin was chosen as the lead builder to oversee the project. The process had begun but today wasn’t a work day and thankfully for them, Hannah didn’t know that.

“It’s a bit ambitious but I believe we can do it,” Garin said and went over to Hannah.

“So, when will I see this ship?” Hannah asked as he encircled her in his arms.

“No one but the builders can see the ship until it’s ready. So, I’m sorry but you’ll have to wait just like everyone else,” Garin said and kissed her.

“So, what’s the point of being the wife of the Master builder if he can’t bend the rules for me?” Hannah teased.

“Come on,” Garin laughed, “You should get going. You’re going to be late for school.”

“You’re right,” Hannah realized she was getting late, “I will see you at sundown. Have a great day at work, Honey,” she walked toward the door.

“You too, Baby,” he replied.

She walked out the door and Garin quickly went to the window to see how far she had gone. He watched her until she was out of sight and after she was gone, he turned to face his friends.

“Men, it’s show time,” he said.

“Great! Let’s do it,” Abu said.

“You all remember the plan, right?” Garin asked.

“Of course, we do,” Fara said, “We’ll begin building the gazebo at the back of the house while you…what are you doing again?” He wondered.

“I’m heading to the edge of the river on the other side of the peninsula to get some Angel Lilies. Hannah loves them and this is the only time of year they bloom which perfectly fits the occasion,” Garin said as he prepared to leave.

“So, you’re saying that you’re going to walk that many miles to get a bunch of flowers that stay alive for just a day to surprise your wife for your anniversary of arriving in Amania?” Fara asked, trying to understand.

“That’s right,” Garin said with a smile.

“If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is,” Abu said.

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