Prepare Yourself (Part 2)

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The ground around Hannah and Garin’s home broke apart and collapsed into the earth. Dark smoke and wildfire roared out of the hole and from its depths crawled out Kari and when he got out, the hole filled back up and left no sign that there was ever a hole in the first place.

Kari was in his demon form and he shifted into human flesh so he would not attract the wrong kind of attention. After he shifted, he walked up to the door and listened in with his sensitive ears. He could hear some movement inside and he got ready to attack and do the deed that he had been sent. Kari conjured his demon blade in the form of a massive sword and kicked the door open, ripping it off its hinges. He dashed into the house and when he got to where the sounds were coming from, he was disappointed to see that it was just a flock of birds that somehow found their way into the house.

Kari growled in anger and used his powers to do a quick scan of the entire house. Neither Hannah, Garin nor their daughter was there and that made Kari walk back outside to look for them. He enhanced his vision and looked ahead through the land until he could see Hannah and Jasmine sitting on the ground in the meadow just about half a mile away. Kari made his sword disappear and began to make his way to where they were.

Meanwhile, Hannah was playing with her daughter in the meadow but she couldn’t focus. She was looking around for any signs of Garin or worse…Kari. She tried to wear a smile on her face but she just couldn’t mask her true emotions, not even from young and oblivious Jasmine.

“Mum, are you alright? You look sad,” Jasmine said to her.

“I’m fine, Little One. I’m just wondering where your father is. That’s all,” Hannah lied.

“You said he’s on his way, didn’t you?” Jasmine asked.

“Yes, honey. I did say that,” Hannah replied.

“Then, I’m sure he’ll be here soon. Why don’t we do something while we wait for him?” Jasmine asked.

“Something like what, my dear?” Hannah asked.

“We could carve our names into that stone over there,” Jasmine pointed at the large boulder, “I’ll write my name, you’ll also write yours and when daddy gets here, he’ll write his as well. That way, we’ll make this spot our spot forever.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea, My Love. Let’s do it,” Hannah said.

They went closer to the rock and Hannah handed Jasmine a little knife from the daggers she had brought so she could etch her name into the rock.

“Hold it here, around the handle so you don’t cut yourself. Be careful, okay?” Hannah said gently.

“I’ve got it, Mom,” Jasmine said and took the knife.

She scratched her name onto the side of the rock with a smile on her face the entire time. After she was done, she handed the knife to her mother for her to write her name as well. Hannah took the knife and just as she was about to begin writing, she heard some thunderous footsteps heading her way and she looked behind her. Not too far away stood a strange man, and as soon as Hannah saw him, she knew that it was the demon, Kari. He was here for Jasmine.

“Oh no!”

Hannah quickly got up on her feet and picked up one of the bigger daggers from the basket that she had brought. She took out a flask of water and poured it into a bowl. She took some salt and poured it into the bowl of water and soaked the dagger in it. She also sprinkled some dry salt onto the wet dagger, all the while keeping her eye on Kari as he strode ever so closer.

“Mommy! Who’s that man?” Jasmine pointed at him.

“He’s a bad man, my dear! He’s a very bad man. I’m going to need you to do something for me, Jasmine. Can you do something for me?” Hannah asked her with tears already pouring from her eyes.

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