Shock Calls

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“An entire night? They had control of their bodies for an entire night?" God said to himself with Fawn and Gabriel standing behind him.

He didn’t like how quickly the situation was escalating and it made him worry a bit. If Hannah and Garin obtained full control of Isabelle and Josh’s bodies, breaking their love chain would be next to impossible. They needed to be stopped.

“Why don’t you just call off the bet with Lucifer?” Fawn asked Him.

“You know I cannot do that, Fawn, and even if I did, Lucifer will not agree to it,” He said.

“So what if he doesn’t agree? You don’t answer to him,” Gabriel said.

“You know it’s not as simple as that, Gabriel. We’ll just have to find a way to break the love chain and to accomplish that, we must send Hannah and Garin back to Harlem,” God said.

“But how, father? The demons weren’t able to defeat them,” Fawn said.

God looked at her with an expression on his face and Fawn immediately understood what it meant. She started shaking her head, unwilling to do what he wanted.

“It must be done, Fawn. If anyone is a match for her, it’s you,” God said.

“I can’t fight Hannah. She’s my sister and I would never want to bring her harm,” Fawn protested.

“Hannah is dead. This is but her spirit and it does not belong in the physical world and besides, she is not your sister anymore. She chose that demon over her own family and renounced her connection to me. You know what is at stake here, Fawn. Now do as I have said or I’ll give the task to another who’s willing to carry it out,” God said.

Fawn didn’t want to disappoint her Father. She knew the importance of winning the bet so she had no choice but to accept the task. She didn’t like the idea of fighting Hannah at all but would have to do so for the greater good.

“I will do as you have said, Father,” she said with a bow.

“While you take on Hannah, Gabriel will fight the demon. Stab them with your swords and trap their souls within them. Once that is done, they’ll be returned to Harlem and we will be able to continue our mission and finally liberate creation from the tyranny of Lucifer.” God said.


Isabelle heard the knock on her door and ran to open it. She was relieved to see her cousin and gave her a hug.

“Oh, Gwen. Thank God you’re here. I’m losing my mind, I’m completely going crazy. I don’t know what’s going on anymore, I’m losing time, I’m waking up in odd places, I’m having weird dreams and I keep…”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, Isabelle. Take a deep breath and have a seat and then you can tell me all about it,” Gwen said calmly and took her cousin to the couch.

Isabelle took a seat and Gwen went to the kitchen to get her some water to drink.

“Here, drink this,” Gwen said and she took the cup and water and drank it all.

“Okay, now tell me what’s going on,” Her cousin asked.

Isabelle told Gwen everything that happened to her from last night till now and she was left shocked and speechless. Hearing Isabelle explain everything left her confused and also determined to find answers.

“Maybe the two of you did drugs or something and that’s why you can’t remember anything?” Gwen said, trying to make some sense of it all.

“Drugs? Really, Gwen? When have I ever done drugs? I didn’t even touch that stuff in college,” Isabelle said, a bit offended by Gwen’s thoughts.

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