Shopping Spree

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Josh was seated on a stool in the kitchen and Garin stood in front of him, about to explain everything. The repercussions for the human knowing the truth about what was happening would be severe and Garin knew that but he didn’t care. He was going to expose the truth today and nothing was going to stop him.

“Tell me what’s going on,” Josh demanded.

“My name is Garin and I’m a demon…or at least, I used to be. Technically, I still am because I served my sentence and after death, my powers were restored but rendered useless when I got locked up in Harlem,” Garin said.

“What are you talking about? What does any of that mean?” Josh asked.

“Sorry, I forgot you don’t know anything at all. Let me start from the beginning,” Garin said.

Before he could continue, he felt the aura in the room change which meant someone celestial was here or was about to show up. Josh could feel it too and the two of them looked around and waited anxiously for whoever was there to show their face.

“You can feel it too, can’t you?” Garin asked.

“Yes, what is it?” Josh asked.

Garin took in a whiff of the house, trying to sniff out who was there and he recognized the scent.

“Angel,” he said.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Gabriel flew inside in a cloud of white smoke. He immediately went after Garin but the demon transformed into a cloud of white smoke and they collided with each other.

As the two celestials battled, their intertwined cloud forms rose to the ceiling and spun around aggressively. The cloud became larger and it became a mixture of white and dark. The wind around the house began to whirl out of control and Josh’s furniture started flying around everywhere.

Josh couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. It felt like he was in a movie and as much as he wanted to believe that he was dreaming this, it felt all too real. He could hear the muffled struggles going on within the clouds and the voices sounded, unlike anything he’d ever heard before. He wanted to run out of his house but the wind had become too powerful and it held him back and restricted any sort of movement.

“Oh, my God!” Josh screamed out in terror.

Lightning sparked out of the clouds and struck some of Josh’s furniture, including his couch which caught on fire. Josh saw this and was worried that his entire house would catch on fire so he crawled on the floor, trying to get to where he kept his fire extinguisher so he could put out the couch fire before it got out of control.

The winds became stronger, blowing around even more stuff and completely thrashing the entire house. Josh managed to reach the fire extinguisher but he couldn’t grab a hold of it because of the wind. He would reach out but the wind would pull him back and he’d crawl back.

He was finally able to hold the extinguisher but when he picked it up, he lost his grip on the floor and the wind picked him up and spun him around the house until he crashed into the side of the wall. The fire extinguisher was flying around the house dangerously and it almost hit Josh right on the head but he was able to avoid it.

Just when he thought it could get worse, more lightning started crashing out of the clouds and one of them struck him in the chest.

Josh screamed out in pain as he felt his insides fry up. He instantly lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor while the two celestial continued their battle.


Cher was still in the corridor in Isabelle’s building and Gentel was still nowhere to be found. The angel wanted to believe that Gentel left but she knew it was too good to be true. She was still here and was taunting her.

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