What I Would Do For You

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866 A.D

A year passed since the day that tremendous storm struck Amania and miraculously, no one was killed in the hurricane. A lot of buildings were destroyed though and a lot of trees, crops and vegetation were made useless. Schools, tents for prayers, people’s homes, the den of the Elders, and even the hurricane shed suffered major damage.

The worst thing the town faced was the destruction of the ship that was being constructed by the men. A ship that was supposed to serve as a milestone in the people’s history; building a vessel that could carry an entire village of people while floating on the ocean. Every part that they had nailed together was ripped apart and they were set back by many years before they would be expected to finish it.

The wildlife also suffered as many of their animals were drowned in the storm. Even the natural wildlife in the ocean suffered the rage of the sea. Animals like fish, dolphins, turtles, whales, sharks, marlins and many more were washed off into the land and many of them were killed.

Even after a year, the people of Amania were still unearthing buried corpses of baby turtles and other creatures buried in the sand.

It had been many moons and the people had picked themselves up and went on with their lives but there were reminders everywhere and the first thing that was reconstructed and made even sturdier was the Hurricane shed because that was what saved all their lives.

The people healed and so did Hannah and Garin. Garin’s near-death experience and Hannah’s show of determination to protect him made them even more conscious of each other. From that point on, they did almost everything together just so they could keep an eye on each other. Whenever they had to be apart, it was almost like silent torture but when they met back at their home that they had rebuilt, it always felt like a reunion after a long absence.

They were madly in love and addicted to each other. Everyone in town knew it and every single woman was jealous of Hannah’s luck; to have found such a man who was strong, muscular, handsome, successful, talented, intelligent, caring and loving. A few women threw thirsty looks his way but Garin only ever had eyes for one person and that person was Hannah.


“Didn’t I warn you to stay away from my husband, Jai, didn’t I?" Hannah said to the young woman who was tied up on the edge of the canoe that was floating out on the ocean.

“Mhhn grrrhh mm,” The woman said in muffled inaudible screams as her mouth was tied up as well as her legs and arms.

“What are you trying to say now? Let me guess! You didn’t mean to, you promise you’re not going to do it again, you’re sorry? Whatever it is, you’d better make it good because your life may just depend on it,” Hannah asked her condescendingly and whipped off the gag around her mouth.

“Please, Hannah, let me go. You’re acting like a crazy person. Do you think you’ll get away with killing me? People will look for me and sooner or later, they’ll find out the truth,” Jai said to her.

“That really wasn’t what I was expecting you to say, Jai. It seems you think I’m bluffing about killing you for trying to seduce my husband. Maybe I should show you just how serious I am,” Hannah said and pulled the woman closer to the edge of the canoe so she could see the water and hear it call her name.

“Somebody help me. Please, she’s going to kill me,” Jai screamed for help.

“No one can hear you out here, Jai. No one is coming to save you. At this point, only you can save yourself by saying the right things,” Hannah said and pushed her even closer to the edge.

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