Back To It

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“So, I guess you’ll be heading home now since your date didn’t show?” Isabelle asked meanly, trying to annoy her.

“Yes, I guess so,” Jennifer replied with a fake smile.

Josh was feeling really tense because he knew the both of them didn’t like each other. Well, he was sure that Isabelle didn’t like Jennifer but he wasn’t sure exactly how Jennifer felt about Isabelle. Suddenly, he felt this really strong urge to urinate and although he didn’t want to leave the two women alone, he couldn’t hold it in because he felt like his bladder was about to explode.

“Honey, will you please excuse me? I gotta use the bathroom really quickly,” Josh said as he got up.

Isabelle became angry with him because she thought he was trying to get himself out of this situation by running away from it and what made it even worse was what Jennifer said next.

“I’ll wait here until you get back. There’s something I forgot to tell you when we were at the office,” she said.

“Okay,” Josh could barely answer because he sped away from them for the bathroom.

With Josh gone in the meantime, Jennifer was free to drop the act and revert to her real snake-in-the-grass personality. She took Josh’s seat which was directly opposite Isabelle and had this smile on her face that was just so condescending and crazy.




“That’s not funny, Gentel,” Gabriel said to her.

She was sitting at a table for two on the other side of the restaurant, disguised in a different human form so Josh and Isabelle would not recognize her.

Gabriel just came in and joined her at the table because he knew she was here to cause trouble and he needed to make sure she didn’t.

“Ugh,” Gentel rolled her eyes when she saw him, “Why is nothing ever funny to your kind?”

“You shouldn’t be here, Demon. We’re no longer supposed to engage with the vessels because…” Gabriel was saying but Gentel cut him off.

“…because God and Lucifer have a new bet. I know! I’m just here to have a little fun so lighten up, will you?”

“This isn’t fun. You can’t get involved in their lives anymore and making Josh feel the urge to relieve himself isn’t exactly not getting involved. Back off,” Gabriel warned.

“Let me ask you a question, Arch-Angel,” she said and faced him, “Are Hannah and Garin out of the vessels yet?”

“You know that they’re not,” Gabriel replied.

“So, technically, I’m not breaking any rules as long as I don’t hurt the humans. I’m just trying to see how this will play out so shut up and leave me be,” she said and went back to watching Jennifer and Isabelle interact with each other.

“Gentel, you’re not…”

“Shush, Angel. You’re going to make me miss it,” The demon told him.

Back at their table, Isabelle stared at Jennifer intently and she returned her gaze.

“So..,” Jennifer began to say as she picked up Josh’s glass of champagne, “Back together again, I see?” She took a sip of the drink without looking away from Isabelle.

“What are you doing here, Jennifer? Don’t tell me you’re still deluded, thinking you’ll ever end up with Josh?” Isabelle asked and her question struck a nerve.

“Oh, Isabelle, you still underestimate me and the power I have over Josh. Our connection is a lot stronger than what the two of you will ever have which is why I’m more than certain that this relationship is doomed to fail,” Jennifer said.

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