Auctioned Off

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Mr and Mrs Clinton were done with their speech and stepped off the stage so the fundraiser could begin. The MC took to the stage once more and asked the valets to start bringing in the items one after the other so they could start the auction.
Mrs Helena sat back down on her seat and Janet leaned over to speak to her.

“That was such a moving speech, Mom. Absolutely beautiful,” Janet told her mother.

“Don’t patronize me, Janet. You already knew the speech by heart so would you stop trying to suck up to me?” Her mother whispered to her.

Janet moved away because once again her mother only saw her as scheming and overly ambitious. She didn’t understand why her parents treated her the way they did despite all she had done and was still doing for the company. She was frustrated but she had too much perseverance to stop now. She would take all the abuse and all the maltreatment but in the end, she would get her parent’s trust and confidence.

“Where’s your brother?” Helena asked Janet.

“I don’t know, Mom,” Janet replied without interest.

Helena looked around for her son but she couldn’t spot him in the crowd so she went back to focusing on the auction. The first item that was being bidden for was the last original artwork by Paul Medina, a popular Dutch painter that passed away almost two decades ago. The piece had been in the possession of the Clintons for many years and now, they were auctioning it off for charity.

“The bidding for this amazing piece of art starts at ten thousand dollars. Do I have any takers?” Nicholas said.




Meanwhile, Josh and Isabelle were still engaged in their love ritual in the other room and they were loving every minute of it. They were still clothed but that wasn’t going to be the case for long. Josh intended to make her feel things that she had never felt before and the fact that they were doing this at this particular moment, at this particular time, with their families and work colleagues right in the other room made it more exciting.

Josh picked her up from the bed and pressed her back hard against his front while still inside of her. He drove himself in and out of her and it was like they had never been together before.

“Do you love me, Isabelle?” Josh whispered in her ear while he pleasured her with his love stick.

“You know I love you,” Isabelle replied, barely able to get the words out of her mouth because of how much pleasure she was feeling.

“Tell me you love me,” Josh demanded from her.

“I love you, I love you,” she whispered to him while she enjoyed the good loving he provided her.

Josh stopped his movement and kissed the back of her neck and slowly began to undo the zipper of her gorgeous blue dress. The lower he undid the zipper, the lower his kisses trailed down her body. Isabelle felt like she was in paradise and his lips felt like a tan from the sun.

He fully undid her zipper and her dress fell from her body to the floor. Josh spun her around to face him and kissed her some more. After a few seconds of exchanging lip skin, Isabelle pulled her mouth away from his and looked him dead in the eye with a hungry look on her face.

“My turn,” she whispered.

Isabelle put her hands on Josh’s torso and slowly slipped her hands into his shirt. She moved her hands around his body as gently as possible, slowly caressing his skin with her soft fingers.

She took her hands out of his shirt and began to undo his buttons. After all the buttons of his shirt were undone, Josh took it off and let it fall to the floor.

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