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"How could you do this, Hannah?" God's voice spoke to me with anger in his tone.

I was on my knees, with my hands over my face, sorrowfully weeping for sinning against my creator.

"Forgive me, Father, I didn't mean to defy you. I don't know what happened to me while I was on Earth. I felt so many things that I had never felt before and I couldn't stop myself," I told Him, trying to get Him to understand.

"If you had fallen for a human, I would have understood that. You wouldn't be the first of your brothers and sisters to fornicate with Man but, a demon? That is unforgivable," He said to me in anger.

I ran to His feet and begged Him to forgive me but He couldn't even look at me. I tried to convince Him that Garin had a good heart but that wasn't why He was angry with me. I disobeyed and would have to face the consequences. Father could be very lenient on Man whenever they sinned against Him but, He was a lot stricter with Angels.

"I'm sorry, my child, but there must be punishment for what you have done!" Father said and walked closer to me. 

He bent down to look at me and stroked my head. I could tell that He wasn't happy about what He was planning to do to me, but He had to do it anyway.


"How dare you fraternize with your direct opposite? An angel! A freaking angel!" Father yelled at me while the Tormentor beat me with a whip made of nails.

I was chained up to four pillars, suspended from a pit of fire by my hands and feet while Sagarus, The Tormentor hovered over me with his whip that he occasionally beat me with under my father's instructions.

"What was going through your head at the time? Did you think I would approve? Did you think I would give you my blessings and watch the two of you get married and live happily ever after? You're a demon, Garin! The only future you have involves carrying out my wishes and sending souls to hell until the day the Earth runs out of souls," Father yelled at me while Sagarus continued whipping.

"I don't want that future anymore, Father! I want to live on the earth as a man, I want my freedom," I demanded from the devil, which angered him greatly.

He got up from his throne, flew up to me, and grabbed my chin. His nails dug into my face as he looked at me with abhorrence.

"I knew I shouldn't have sent you to the Earth. You're just two thousand years old and you weren't ready for such a task. You weren't mature enough to walk in human flesh and resist the temptations that come with it," Father said.

He turned around and contemplated my punishment. He thought hard about how to punish me severely for my insolence.

"Normally, I would chain you up and let you burn for all eternity but that would be mercy. You will face something far worse. Do you think being human is a good thing? You're so wrong. You were there for just a few days and didn't spend enough time there to witness the horrors and suffering that take place on Earth. As your punishment for having feelings for an angel, I will cast you to the Earth to live the rest of your life there, as a Man," Father said to me.

"Thank you, Father!" I replied, happy that he was granting me my wish.

"You should be begging for mercy instead of thanking me," Father said and I didn't understand what he meant.

Lucifer broke the chains off of Garin and he crashed into the hot ground. He telepathically lifted him and stood in front of him.

"You are no longer my child. Today, I strip you of your immortality." The Devil said and phased his hand through Garin's chest, ripped out his immortal fire and threw it in a pit.

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