Love Chain

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As the elevator went up to the top floor, Zarif kept looking at Isabelle over his shoulders like he was planning to attack her or something. Her gaze was directed forward so she didn’t notice his red eyes on her.

He put his hand out, facing it towards her bag and used his powers to take out the flash drive in the bag.

“I have a job interview here today and I’m really excited,” he began saying to distract her from noticing what he was doing.

“Oh, really?” She asked.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“Well, I hope you get the job.” She said with a smile.

“Thank you so much,” Zarif replied as the flash drive floated into his hand.

As soon as he grabbed it, the colour of the drive changed from purple to maroon and he used his powers to put it back into her handbag a second before the elevator bell dinged and the door slid open.

They both came out and before going their separate ways, Isabelle turned to Zarif.

“Good luck with your interview,” she told him.

He only smiled, nodded and walked away in the opposite direction from her.

Isabelle got to the small office room where the meeting was to take place and thankfully for her, the investors were just taking their seats. Her boss shot her a disapproving look for her tardiness and she hurriedly took her seat at the table.

“Welcome, everyone! As you all know, Clinton Corp is a company dedicated to solving the real problems that plague our world’s economy. We have spent almost a century creating this platform that is completely aimed at giving young people the chance to better their lives as well as the lives of their countries and today, we have arrived at a point where we can achieve this with just the tap of a button." Gerald Hitchens, the manager of the Clinton Corp headquarters, began.

While he spoke, Isabelle took out her laptop, turned it on and put in her flash drive. She opened the contents of the drive and was shocked to see that it was filled with pictures and videos of Gwen’s bachelorette party and not her presentation. She didn’t understand how she took the wrong drive because she was sure she had taken the purple one.

She tried her hardest not to let her facial expression reveal her anxiety. She hadn’t prepared enough for the presentation and really needed her notes but they weren’t there. She collected herself and decided to improvise her presentation without her drafts and graphs.

“This is Miss Isabelle Gilmour and she’s our main consultant here at the firm,” Gerald introduced her, “She’s done all the necessary research and has prepared a presentation that will convince you to invest in making our vision an attainable reality…Miss Isabelle!” He gave her the stage.

“Thank you, Mr Hitchens,” Isabelle said and cleared her throat.

She closed her laptop, stood up from her seat and faced the four investors. She took a deep breath and finally began speaking.

“How can one company reach out to billions of people worldwide and affect their lives positively? The answer is simple; Technology..,” she began.

It wasn’t what she had planned but it was the information she wanted to give. She kept speaking and as she continued, her words flowed more freely and she laid the whole plan out on the table. She had the attention of everyone in the room and her confidence grew, making her bring up vital points she didn’t even have in her original presentation.

“…and this will surely give us the platform that will change the world’s economy, for the better," she finished after a few minutes of speaking.

While the decision of the investors was being deliberated amongst them, Isabelle excused herself from the office because her job there was done. Now all that was left was to hope that she had managed to influence their decision positively.

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