We Move On

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"There you both are," Fawn said when she saw Hannah and Garin, "I don't know how you managed to hide from us, but I've had enough of your running."

Norae and Fawn flapped their wings and slowly approached the broken house but Cleo stood in their way with both hands facing the angel sisters.

"Stay back or I won't go easy on you like I just did," Cleo threatened the angels.

"What are you supposed to be?" Norae asked because she could tell that Cleo wasn't anything she'd ever seen before.

"Come any closer and you'll find out," she said to her, "Hannah, Garin, take Josh and Isabelle and get out of here. I'll hold them off."

"No one's going anywhere," Fawn said loudly and made her light sword appear in her hand.

"Take them and go. Now!" Cleo screamed while she pulled out her axe from the holster.

She levitated into the air and made the axe increase in size. Without wasting a second longer, she attacked the angels, putting herself in a two-on-one handicap fight but she didn't seem too worried about losing. She just wanted to stall long enough for the others to get away.

Cleo slashed her axe at Fawn who was able to raise her sword just in time to block the hit. She used her telekinesis to blast Norae to the ground and attacked Fawn once again with her axe.

Cleo and the angel exchanged some powerful hits but Fawn just couldn't match her strength and speed. Cleo disarmed her of her light sword and before she could call back the weapon, Cleo brought her axe down at Fawn's face and the angel held the weapon's edge with her hands and they both struggled with it.

"You heard her. Let's go," Sader urged the others.

While the Nephalem fought the angels, Hannah grabbed Isabelle while Garin grabbed Josh and they all ran toward the back of the house with Sader behind them. They got outside and all three of them released their wings and flew into the sky at incredible speeds.

Norae was on the ground and she raised her head and saw that their targets were escaping them once again.

"Fawn, they're getting away," Norae screamed to her sister.

"Stop them," Fawn screamed back as she struggled with Cleo.

Norae spread her wings out and was about to lift off so she could chase down Hannah and Garin but, she could see that Fawn wasn't doing good against the strange creature she was fighting. She was losing and Norae knew if she left her to face the wingless Celestial alone, she would most likely be killed. She needed to choose between giving chase and staying back to help her sister fight this unknown power.

"Get off my sister," Norae screamed and struck Cleo with the edge of her spear, blasting her away from a struggling Fawn.

Cleo crashed into the remainder of the destroyed house, breaking through the wooden walls and destroying what was left of it with her body.

At that same time, the retreating Celestials had picked up enough speed and distance and were able to teleport to an unknown location.

"I told you to stop them. Why did you stay back?" Fawn asked Norae.

"I'm not leaving you to fight this thing by yourself, Sister," Norae said and gave Fawn a hand and helped her to her feet.

The sisters nodded at each other and decided to face Cleo together first before they would return to chasing after their targets. They slowly approached the house but they couldn’t see her because she was covered by the wreck.

“Be careful! We don’t know what we’re dealing with here,” Fawn warned Norae.

The sisters had their weapons out and they were glowing brightly. They reached the wreck and were surprised to see that Cleo was gone. She was just not there anymore.

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