The Reverse Effect

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Jennifer didn't have a plan for doing what she had told the demon she would do. She had no idea how to deliver on her promise so she had to speak to Gentel. She needed some help, some way to be able to find the Celestials so she had to call her.

She was in her small apartment and was pacing back and forth in her living room. Gentel had told her to light a candle and call her name three times to summon her and Jennifer had done the first. Now, she had to do the second but she was nervous.

"I really hope this demon doesn't kill me out of anger," Jennifer said to herself.




Jennifer called her name and waited for her to appear. A minute passed and then another, and then another and Jennifer became tired of waiting for her. She didn't understand why the demon hadn't come yet and she felt that something was wrong.

She sat down in the middle of her parlour and waited for hours until she fell asleep. Jennifer finally opened her eyes and when she looked around her, it was already a new day. The candle had melted away into the rug and there was no demon. She didn't come.

"Stupid demon! Where the hell is she?" Jennifer asked.

She sighed in frustration and got up to prepare for work. She decided that she would try to call the demon again in the night after work.


Lucifer was furiously fuming in Hell and his anger shook the entire underworld. He was enraged by Sader's mutiny and what made it even worse was the fact that he could not summon him into Hell to punish him for what he had done.

"Zarif!" Lucifer called him and the demon flew into the devil's chamber.

"Yes, Father," Zarif bowed before him.

"Take Kari, take Vinde, take Roma, take all your brothers and sisters and go to Earth. Bring Sader to me alive so I can punish him for what he did to Gentel. The world could have been mine already but he betrayed me and he has to pay the consequences," Lucifer said.

"There's nothing I would like more than that, Father, but you made a bet with God. You can't send more than two of us to Earth at the same time. Remember?" Zarif told Lucifer.

"Damn it," Lucifer screamed and destroyed one of the soul pillars in his chambers with a flick of his wrist.

"I can take Vinde. Together, we will find Sader and bring him back to you. We'll also find Hannah and Garin and take care of them as well," Zarif assured him.

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Go," Lucifer yelled and Zarif left his presence.

After Zarif left, Lucifer went to his throne and sat on it. He raised his hand and used his power to summon Gentel's dead body back into Hell.

The ground caught on fire for a few seconds and after it died out, Gentel's body was lying there and her head was right beside her. Lucifer stood up and walked over to her body. He stared at her for a while and for that short moment, it seemed like he was sad.

"You were my best demon and I always thought you would be the one to bring me eternal glory. I guess I was wrong. You're nothing but a failure, a waste of space, just useless," Lucifer said to her body.

He made the ground beneath her become lava and her body melted in it until it was completely destroyed.

"Let's hope your brothers won't suffer the same fate as you did."



Today was the day that Isabelle was finally going back to work. She was very excited about finally getting back to it and rejoining the workforce. With everything that had happened with Hannah and Garin for the past few days, it was the perfect way to try and get her mind off things.

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