Another First Date

25 3 0

846 A.D

From above, the landscape upon which the little cottage sat was covered with so much green and little specks of different colours made by the beautiful flowers that sprouted from the earth and it all looked like a painting made by the swirling brush of a passionate Picasso, collaborated by the brush of an inspired Michelangelo.

Hannah was returning from the river with a basket of laundry in her hands. She was close to the house and could see Garin in the distance, bare-bodied with an axe in his hands, chopping some logs of wood. He was beautiful, she thought. The way his tanned skin glistened under the sun and the calmness at which the sweat dripped from his forehead as he swung his axe was hypnotic for Hannah to watch. She began to pick up the pace so she could get to him faster as she had spent a few hours at the river but it felt like she had been apart from him for days.

“Hannah,” A familiar voice called out to her from behind a tree.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at the tree, waiting for whoever was behind it to reveal their self. She was a bit frightened by this unknown stranger who knew her name so she picked up a rock to use as a weapon to defend herself.

It had been five years since God cast her out of heaven and it took her a while to get used to being human and having no powers so she had to adapt and learn other ways to defend herself should the need ever arise.

“I know you’re out there. Show yourself,” she called out to the person.

“Relax, sister. It’s only me,” A woman in white said as she stepped away from behind the tree.

She was clad in a white dress and was a joy to look at, cascading with so much radiance that could only be described as heavenly. Immediately Hannah saw her, her eyes filled up with recognition and also with tears.

“Fawn? Fawn, it’s you,” Hannah said happily and dropped her basket of clothes and they spilt all over the dirty ground but she didn’t care.

Hannah ran over to her sister and embraced her, happy to see her once again. It had been half a decade since she saw any of her brothers and sisters so Fawn’s presence here meant so much to her.

“Why did you come? Father will be so upset with you,” Hannah said to her.

“I know but I had to see you again. Father sent me on a mission and so, I decided to see you before going back. How are you, Hannah?” Fawn asked with genuine concern.

“I’m fine, Fawn. It hasn’t been easy, living as a human but it has been one of the greatest experiences of my entire lifetime. I’ve been living a happy life with the one I love,” Hannah said it as she felt it in her heart.

“And how has he been to you?” Fawn asked and stared at Garin who was still chopping wood in the distance.

“He has been perfect. He has been loving, kind, and completely worth not being an angel anymore. He’s filled my days with joy and love that I have never felt before.” Hannah said, also staring at Garin with loving eyes that shot out promises of fidelity and desire.

“And he’s easy on the eyes as well. That’s a bonus!” Fawn joked.

“Yeah, he’s beautiful, isn’t he?”

Fawn could see quite clearly that Hannah was okay. She was safe and happy and that was good enough for her. But of course, she missed her sister and wanted her home.

“You haven’t been praying to Father, have you?” Fawn said.

“Pray to Him for what? He disowned me,” Hannah said with a hint of anger and yet, without.

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