Demon Dagger

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It had been four hours since Josh and Isabelle arrived at the bar and they were having drinks and enjoying the evening in each other’s company. They sat by the bar which wasn’t packed but was filled with a few people. There was just something seamless about the way they spoke to each other; it was like they’d known each other for years. They both felt comfortable with each other and the sexual tension between them could be felt all around the bar.

“The drinks they serve here are great. How did you find this place?” Josh asked.

“A friend brought me here a few days ago to celebrate my promotion," she replied.

“Oh, I see,” Josh added.

There was a momentary silence between them and Josh decided to break it with a compliment.

“Are you wearing contacts?” He asked, staring into her deep blue eyes.

“No, I’m not.”

“You have amazing eyes. They look too good to be real," he said with a smirk.

“That’s a compliment, right?” She asked with a grin.

“Yes, it was.”

“Good! I was just making sure,” Isabelle said and they both laughed.

The strange man that was watching them when they left the restaurant was in the bar as well and was still watching them from where he sat. He had this strange look in his eyes which gave off the vibe that he was up to no good. But, he just watched them while they drank, observing them both.

The man finally stood up and walked over to the bar where Josh and Isabelle were sitting. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand and carried himself to their position. He rudely cut in between them and stood facing Isabelle but his back was turned towards Josh.

“Hey there, gorgeous! You mind if I buy you a drink?” The stranger asked her, not caring that she was with someone and acting as if Josh didn’t even exist.

“Actually, I do mind. I’m here with someone so can you please get away from me?” She asked him with a tone. She was very upset by his rudeness.

“No need to be so mean, baby.” The man said and tried to touch her hand and that was the trigger for Josh.

He stood up from the bar stool and tapped the stranger roughly on the shoulder to get his attention, “Didn’t you hear what she said? Get away from her,” Josh said angrily.

“I don’t seem to remember talking to you,” The stranger said aggressively and stood toe-to-toe with Josh.

He was a lot bigger and taller than Josh who wasn’t intimidated by the man’s superior size.

“Yeah well, I am talking to you. Now leave,” Josh said to him.

The guy took his glass of whiskey and spilt its contents in Josh’s face and spat at his feet.

“Well, what are you going to do if I don’t leave?” The man asked.

He was trying to frustrate Josh into attacking him and it seemed like he was about to succeed in doing so because Josh looked like he was about to unleash the Hulk in him but surprisingly, Isabelle beat him to it.

She grabbed the man’s shoulder and spun him around to face her before running her knee straight at his crotch, making him squeal in pain. She also grabbed a beer bottle from the bar and smashed it against the man’s head and he stumbled backwards disoriented. His head was cut and was bleeding and he looked dazed and enraged.

The man regained his composure in a few seconds and angrily marched at Isabelle but Josh stood in front of him, ready to defend his date when the bartender took out a shotgun and let one fly into the roof as a warning to the troublemaker in his bar.

“Get out of my bar or the next one goes in you.” The bartender threatened the stranger with the gun pointed at him.

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