Rainstorm (Part 1)

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Sammy looked at Isabelle from head to toe with an intense look in his eyes. It almost felt like he was checking her out and judging from the way he was biting his lips, he really liked what he saw and didn’t even try to hide it.

Isabelle held on tightly to Josh’s arm because his brother was making her uncomfortable but at least he didn’t hate her like his sister obviously did. Isabelle had never felt this amount of pressure and awkwardness in her entire life before because this was both personal and professional for her and she didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes but still wanted to be treated with respect.

"What's wrong with Janet? She seems crankier than usual," Josh asked his brother.

"You know how she gets whenever you come around. Mom and Dad focus all of their attention on you and everyone ignores her and well, you know the gist." Sammy said casually.

"So, what have you been up to, Sammy? Let me guess. You bought a new car?" Josh said.

"I thought you said you didn't follow me on Instagram?" Sammy asked with a raised brow.

"I don't! That was a guess and I'm so disappointed that I got that right. When are you going to start taking your life seriously and do something with it instead of living off Mom and Dad?" Josh said.

"Hey, don't start with me, Mr Independent. What.., are you going to give me some big speech about breaking away from the family business and standing on my own?" Sammy said disrespectfully.

Josh was about to mount a reply but Isabelle pinched him to get him to relax before they made a scene. She could tell that Josh's relationship with his siblings was even worse than his relationship with his parents but this was neither the time nor place to start a squabble.

Josh held his tongue and just stared at Sammy with a disapproving smile.

"Come on, let's go say hi to my parents," He said to Isabelle.

They walked away from Sammy and back into the crowd. As they moved, the couple walked past a man with a glass of champagne in his hand whose eyes were monitoring them.

The man was Zarif in his human flesh and right beside him was his sister, Gentel.

With the two demons there, something terrible was bound to happen tonight and only a miracle could prevent it. Zarif and Gentel started walking behind Isabelle and Josh and it seemed like they were about to do something to them.

As they were about to reach the couple, Gabriel and Fawn pretended to accidentally bump into them and Zarif's drink spilt all over his suit.

"We are so sorry about that, sir. We didn't see you there," Gabriel said to Zarif, putting up a show for the humans around.

Fawn moved closer to the demons and made her feelings clear to them about the vessels.

"Stay away from them or things won't end up well for you," she threatened.

"We are here on behalf of The Devil to break the chain and we're sticking to the rules so you two can't do anything about it," Gentel reminded.

"You're right! As long as you follow that rules, we can't stop you but if do anything that doesn't constitute within the rules, there will be consequences," Gabriel warned.

"Great! Now that we all have an understanding, get out of our way," Gentel said and she and Zarif brushed the angels aside and went back into the crowd.

"We have to be extra vigilant tonight, Fawn," Gabriel said.

"Not a problem, I've got my eye on them," Fawn replied.

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