Rainstorm (Part 4)

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Isabelle stepped out of Jennifer's room and angrily stormed away from that vicinity. She didn't know where exactly to go since Josh and his mother were still having their conversation in the bedroom so she found a spot at the top of the stairs and sat there.

"I can't believe that I just did that," Isabelle said to herself and put her palms over her face.

She wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry because she was feeling multiple things at the same time. She had always been a rational person and didn't really like conflict or confrontation but she forgot all about that when it came to fighting for Josh.

She started to realise that there was something about him that made her...more passionate about him and anything related to him. There was this fire in the pit of her stomach, put there by Josh and that fire was calm for now but it was threatening to take control and engulf anyone who tried to split her and Josh apart.

She was in love with him and it didn't feel like any regular kind of love. It was a lot more powerful and she knew it but the question was; Why?

Isabelle suddenly felt like a bright blinding light had just been flashed at her cornea and for a moment, she was dazed and saw what she was certain wasn't really there.

She saw a man's face or at least the bottom half of it and he had a smile on his strange lips. He was dark and he felt dangerous but in an exciting way. He felt like he was not of this world and his whole essence spoke to her. It pulled her in like a siren's call and she was held by his unquestionable charisma.

"Isabelle?" A voice said and broke her out of the trance-like state.

She turned around and saw Sammy with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm great," Isabelle said after clearing her throat, "So, Sammy, what's with the wine?" She asked.

"Janet and I are hanging out. Why are you sitting on the stairs?" Sammy asked.

"Josh is speaking to your mom so I had to give them some privacy," she answered.

"Well, instead of sitting here alone, why don't you join Janet and me for a drink?" He offered kindly.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Your sister doesn't really like me, you know." She said.

"That's not true...entirely. I'm sure if you both talk and get to know each other, you could become friends. Aren't you willing to try, for your man?" Sammy said with a raised brow and Isabelle couldn't argue with his logic.

If she wanted to have something serious with Josh, she'd have to get his family to also fall in love with her and it would serve as the perfect distraction to get her mind off her recent scrap with Jennifer.

"Ok, I'm in but, if this ends up being a disaster, I'll have you to blame," She warned and followed him to Janet's room.


"Please, Joshua, just reconsider, for me," Mrs Helena said.

"Don't, Mom! Don't pull the mother card on me because it won't work. I've made my decision," Josh said and moved away from her.

"Why are you being so stubborn? Why can't you just do this one thing that'll make me and your father happy and proud?" She asked.

"I've spent my entire life making you and Dad happy and proud, even when I wasn't happy myself. You have other children. If you must keep the business in the family then go with Janet."

"And what will happen after she gets married? Her children will take over from her but it won't be Clinton Corp anymore. Our name will be lost and so will our legacy!" His mother claimed.

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