Lilies And Hurricanes (Part 2)

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Like the day couldn't exist without the night, like light couldn't exist without darkness, as Yin relies on Yang, and like the moon pulled the tides, Hannah and Garin were opposites that couldn't exist without the other. Their existence was completely dependent on each other and if one of them were to die, the other would find life meaningless and not worth living.

Garin was in trouble and he needed to be saved because if he died in this storm and left Hannah all alone, she would slip into depression and would eventually take her own life just to be with him in Harlem.

"Garin," Hannah called out to him, barely able to hear the sound of her own voice because of how loud everything else was.

"Garin," Hannah searched, barely able to stay on her feet because of how powerful the winds were.

She moved closer and closer to where Garin was but, she couldn't see him yet. Just at the moment when it seemed like she was going to finally run into him, she went in a different direction, unaware that if she just kept moving forward, she would find him.

Garin's head was busted-up and his blood was mixing with the flood of water. He was getting killed in more ways than one; he was dying from the blow he suffered to the head, he was dying from drowning because the water was getting over his nose, he was dying from hypothermia as his body temperature was dropping exponentially low, and he was also dying emotionally because he didn't know how Hannah was fairing and that was the worst of it all.

Garin could feel the cold hands of Death wrapping its icy fingers around him and when he managed to open his eyes, he found himself in another plane. It was a mental plane that existed in his subconsciousness and he had been transported there by Death so he could face Him and take the test to see if it was his time to leave the Earth, go back to Hell and get sent to Harlem OR if he still had enough willpower to cling on to life on Earth.

"Hello," Garin called out and his voice echoed back to him.

He didn't know where he was because it didn't look like anywhere he had ever been before. The world around him was an endless space of white and just in front of him were two figures and they looked like they were alive. He cautiously went forward and moved closer to the figures and when he got to a certain distance, he felt himself cross over what felt like a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world.

His human clothes on his body transformed into his demon armour and his horns and wings sprouted out of his head and back respectively and Garin smiled when he saw them, though he was confused and didn't understand what was happening to him.

He reached the two figures and they were the same creature but opposite. One of them was completely white while the other was completely red and they both had bowls of water floating right in front of them. They were manlike but didn't have faces on their heads nor did they have arms on their torso and when they spoke, their weird voice sent spikes of ice down Garin's spine despite his toughness and former demonhood.

"What are you two supposed to be and what is this place?" Garin asked.

"Welcome, ex-demon, to the crossroads of existence!" The white creature said.

"We are Life and Death, Freedom and Bondage, Pain or Peace but unfortunately for whoever comes before us, it is easy to misunderstand which of us is best for you," The red creature said.

"What do you mean by that?" Garin asked.

"Many have faced us and they thought that freedom and peace were associated with Life but ended up dying because what makes what isn't based on one particular entity. Your choice to live or die depends on what lies within your heart, even the emotions and desires you bury deep inside that you can't even see," The white said again.

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