Birthday Party

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“Do you think this is too much for meeting his family?” Isabelle asked Gwen.

“Yeah girl, that dress is way too hot. You need to dial it down a little,” Her cousin replied with a chuckle.

They were in Isabelle’s apartment going through her closet to find the perfect dress she would wear to Mrs Helena’s birthday party. She wanted to make a good impression on Josh’s family so she enlisted her cousin’s help.

“Remember you’re not just going there as her son’s girlfriend, you’re also going there as her employee so you need to make twice the impression and that dress is very one-sided,” Gwen said.

“You know what, you’re right. Let me put on something else,” Isabelle said and went back into the closet to try on a new dress.

As Isabelle changed, Gwen felt a chill in the air and it felt like a window had been left open in the apartment so she got off the bed and went to the living room to inspect the strange wind she felt.

She went into the living room and checked the windows only to find them all locked which surprised her a bit because she was sure of what she had felt.

“I guess it wasn’t wind then,” she said to herself.

A hand came up from behind her and grabbed Gwen’s shoulders which made her flinch in surprise.

“Gwen, are you alright?” Isabelle asked after holding her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just thought I…Never mind that,” She said and her eyes fell on Isabelle’s dress which she thought was perfect.

“Now, this is what I’m talking about,” she said excitedly.

“You really think so?” Isabelle asked.

“I really do. This is the one. When his family sees you in this, they’re going to fall head over heels in love with you,” Gwen said and it made her cousin feel good about herself and heavily anticipate tomorrow.




At the time Isabelle and Gwen were together, Josh was with Andrew as well. The reason they had both decided to hang out with the couple was that they were the only people around their age that they knew were in a serious relationship. After all, well, they were married.

Andrew and Gwen both knew what it was like to commit to a relationship and at a point, they also did the whole “Meet My Parents” bit so, Josh and Isabelle naturally felt comfortable around them and allowed their selves to open up.

“Do you think it’s too soon?” Josh asked.

“Trust me, man, it’s not too soon. You’re crazy about this girl and you talk about her all the time. This is the perfect time to introduce her to your family,” Andrew advised.

“I just feel like maybe I shouldn’t have asked her, you know! My family is too much for even me to handle and they’re going to make it hard for her, I know it. I just don’t want her to get scared away by them,” Josh said.

“Listen, Josh. Your girl is not some damsel in distress. She’s pretty tough and I think she’ll be able to handle your folks,” Andrew said.

“I really hope so,” Josh said.

“So, what did you get your mom for her birthday?” Andrew changed the topic.

Before Josh could answer, his cell phone began to ring and he took it out of his pocket. He looked at the caller ID and it was Jennifer, again.

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