Flirt With The Boss

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"How incompetent can the both of you be?" The Devil yelled at Zarif and Gentel.

He was enraged because God was having more success than he was in breaking the love chain and winning the bet. He hated to admit it but God's strategy of using love as his weapon was proving to be more effective than anything he was coming up with.

"It's not our fault, Father. It's the stupid rules of this bet that's making it difficult to get results," Gentel claimed.

"She's right, Father. We would have broken them up by now if we didn't have to play by God's rules," Zarif added.

"These are all a bunch of useless excuses," The Devil said angrily, causing the pit of hell to tremble due to his rage, "The rules say we cannot harm Garin or his angel but it doesn't say that we can't hurt the people they care about. Kill someone they love, cause them pain and make them suffer so the chain breaks." The devil said.

"It doesn't matter how many of their friends and family we hurt or kill, Father. It will only bring them closer because they'll seek comfort in each other's arms," Gentel said.

"The rules prevent us from telling them who they really are and if they don't know who they are, then they won't know why the people around them are dying. It won't give us the results we desire, Father." Zarif said as well.

The Devil knew his children were right. The rules didn't favour him at all and if he really wanted to win this bet, then he'd have to think outside the box.

"Garin...I mean, Josh - is taking the girl to his family's home next week to introduce her to them. We may not have to kill the family but use them to break them up," Gentel suggested to her father.

"She's right, Father. If his family hates her and doesn't bless their union, they may have to break up. It's not much but it's something we can use to our advantage." Zarif said.

The Devil was so upset that he didn't really care at that moment. He was starting to panic a little, afraid that God would finally be able to rid the world of him permanently.

"Do whatever you have to, I don't care. Just make sure you follow the rules so God doesn't call off the bet. Now leave me alone, I need to think." Lucifer said to them.

The demons left Lucifer alone and went to speak to their other siblings. They went into a large hall where their other siblings were torturing and tormenting damned souls for all eternity. As they entered the hall, the other demons immediately stopped what they were doing and went to them to inquire about how the bet was coming along.

"So? Any progress so far?" Vinde, one of the most vicious and heartless of all the demons asked.

"No, not yet and it's making Father slowly unravel," Zarif answered.

"He should have sent me on this mission rather than the both of you. I would have gotten results by now. Both of you are completely useless," Vinde said out of bitterness and jealousy because he wasn't given the task.

Gentel didn't like his statement at all and without warning, she dashed over to him and grabbed him by the horn. She swung him around before dropping into a rocky vat of lava. Vinde sat up in the pool of lava and smiled at her with disrespect.

"This is your idea of torture, sister? You seem to have lost your touch," he said, not at all hurt by the lava around him.

Gentel returned his smile and opened her wrapped fist for him to see. He saw what was in her hand the smug look on his face immediately became fear.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you," He said in fear.

She didn't care for his apology and only wanted to teach him a lesson. She poured the salt into the pool of lava and it began to boil like water. Vinde was overcome with excruciating pain and he screamed out and tried to get out of the pool but Gentel held him in so he would suffer some more.

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