Shattered And Ruined

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Norae landed back on the ground as well and transformed the bow in her hand back into a spear. She came up from the left-hand side while Fawn was at the right of Sader, Hannah and Garin. The angel was switching her gaze to both of them and she knew that without Sader’s and Garin’s powers, she wouldn’t be able to handle them on her own.

"There’s nowhere left to run, Hannah. Your demon pals are powerless and you can’t fight us both. Just give up now and let us end this once and for all,” Fawn beckoned her.

“Our powers won’t be back for a few more minutes. What are we going to do?” Garin whispered to Hannah.

Fawn and Norae moved even closer and Hannah strengthened her defensive stand to make sure they don’t come any further.

“I’ve had enough of this, Hannah,” Fawn said and her sword shone brighter, “I want to end this and return home. I’m tired.”

“So am I, sister. So am I,” Hannah replied.

She looked down at the ground where Kari was lying before but he wasn’t there anymore. He had slipped away during their battle with her sisters and they had missed their chance to kill him for what he had caused them. Hannah didn’t have any reason to remain on the beach anymore. It was time to leave; the only problem was Fawn and Norae.

“Okay, listen up, guys,” Hannah said telepathically to Sader and Garin so her sisters wouldn’t hear, “On my signal, both of you grab my arms and hold on tight. I’m getting us out of here,”

Sader and Garin got the message and they both waited for her signal.

“I’ll kill the demon first. You finish her off,” Norae said to Fawn and began to walk toward them.

“It’s not time yet, sister,” Hannah said and her wings burst out of her back.

Garin and Sader knew that that was the signal so they both grabbed her arms and she blasted off into the sky.

“She’s trying to make a run for it,” Norae screamed and took to the sky as well, and so did Fawn.

“We have to stop her from teleporting. If she does so, it’ll take us even longer to find them again,” Fawn told Norae.

“Got it,” Norae responded and flew after Hannah even faster.

Hannah was moving quickly and was trying to pick up enough speed so she could teleport two fully-grown men with her. Norae and Fawn could see that she was almost at the speed she required so they both used their angel magic to create light bows in their hands and began shooting endless arrows at them to knock them out of the sky.

“Hannah, arrows incoming. Dive!” Garin alerted her and she dove downwards just in time to avoid being hit by a flurry of Norae’s arrows.

They were now flying downwards at an incredible speed and the angels were diving down after them.

“It might be a great time to fly up again,” Sader said when he saw that they were getting a lot closer to the ground again and Hannah didn’t seem to be slowing down.

“Hannah, what are you doing?” Garin asked, also panicking.

“Just trust me,” Hannah said to the both of them.

“Arghh,” the brothers screamed just as they were about to impact the beach.

Hannah’s eyes glowed and with mere inches from a heavy crash, all three of them disappeared to a different location away from their pursuers.

“No,” Fawn screamed just as she and Norae landed on the ground.

“Where do you think she’s taken them?” Norae asked.

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