Pirated Lands I

6 2 0

861 A.D

Two years had passed since Garin and Hannah washed up on the Island. It had taken them a considerable amount of time to adapt to living on the island and although they had first thought about building a boat to get off it, they changed their minds and decided to spend their life there with just each other and no one else.

They did make a boat but it was neither big nor sturdy enough to sail them across the vast ocean so they used it to sail into the reef to catch fish for their meals.

They also gathered wood and other items within those two years and used them to build a tree house where they lived. Their life was simple and peaceful. It was a normal routine that was free from any difficulty or hardship and while they would work all day to maintain their way of living, they’d make sweet love all night long to alleviate the stress of the day.

As peaceful as their lives were, Hannah always felt like it would one day come to an end. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen that would disrupt the peace they’d found. Garin would always assure her that nothing of the sort would happen and as much as she wanted to believe him, she couldn’t.




“I could do it but I’m certain you won’t be able to,” Hannah said to Garin as they looked down at the pool of water.

They were at the top of a waterfall in the middle of the Island and were planning on jumping down into the water below just for the fun of it.

“You’re one to talk. Remember the last time we tried to kill that snake? You were so scared of it,” Garin teased her.

“No, I wasn’t,” Hannah claimed and playfully punched him on the shoulder.

“Yes, you were, and you’re scared of jumping as well,” Garin said with a short laugh.

“Alright, I’ll prove you wrong,” Hannah said.

She kissed him on the cheek before walking to the edge of the waterfall. She winked at him just before diving off the edge and into the water.

Garin cheered her on from the top and applauded her for being able to jump.

“Alright! Your turn, scaredy-cat,” Hannah shouted from the bottom.

Grain laughed and was about to jump off as well when he noticed something on the horizon. It was floating on the ocean and was heading for the Island. He couldn’t tell what it was because it was too far away but after a while, he could see that it was a large boat and it was heading to shore.

Garin wasn’t too excited about this. He didn’t know who or what was on that boat but knowing their luck, he felt it wouldn’t be something good, although he couldn’t deny that he was hoping it was people they could be friends with. He loved being with Hannah but sometimes he wished there were other people around and he knew Hannah felt the same way.


Hannah and Garin went closer to the shore on the edge of the Island but remained hidden in the bushes to first inspect their visitors before showing their selves in case the newcomers were not friendly.

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