Boyfriend's Brother

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I don't support cheating, emotionally or physically, but I saw an edit that inspired me.

quinn/jack hughes
811 words
not requested

Quinn and Jack never had girl problems. Quinn never liked the girls Jack brought home anyways, until he brought y/n home. Quinn adored her and he hoped Jack didn't notice. Hiding that he liked her got easier and easier until Jack decided to bring her to the lake house for the summer. It was only a couple weeks right? What harm was it going to cause?

Quinn, Jack, Luke, Trevor, Cole, and Alex ran down to the doc. Their girlfriends (Jack and Alex's) trailed behind them. The lights hanging above the doc were on considering it was late out, maybe around 9pm. No one could see too far out so they didn't swim too far. Jack, Trevor, and Cole pulled off their shirts and jumped into the water. Alex waited for his girlfriend, Amelia, to get to the doc before getting into the water with her. Quinn got in after taking his phone out of his pocket. y/n looked as he pulled his old Michigan shirt over his head.

"y/n! Are you coming in?" Jack asked his girlfriend. Her eyes snapped back to jack. She slightly nodded before pulling her shirt over her head. She was left in a black bikini, nothing too showy though. Quinn swallowed before swimming around a little bit more. She tried to distract herself from Quinn by swimming around with jack, but she'd always look over to Quinn. He was already looking at her too.

A little while later the group decided to go inside. Everyone was out of the lake and heading inside. Jack had been in an intense conversation with Alex and the two had walked inside together. Trevor and Cole had gone in after them. y/n looked around the doc trying to find her shirt, but it wasn't there. She looked in the water and there it was. It was close to the doc so someone might have kicked it in on accident. She pulled it out and sighed.

"You can wear mine if you want." A voice from behind her said. She looked over her shoulder at Quinn who was holding out his Michigan shirt.

"I thought you went inside already." y/n said softly. Quinn shook his head.

"I saw that jack went inside already and you were the last one out here so I stayed to make sure you got inside okay." Quinn said truthfully. y/ns cheeks flushed as she looked down at her feet.

"Thank you Quinn." She said. She then reached out for the shirt and put hers on the doc. She slipped the shirt over her head and it went down to the middle of her thighs. She picked up her shirt and the pair started walking inside. The boys and Amelia were on the couch when they walked in.

"I'm going to go put this in the dryer, thank you again Quinn." y/n said as and walked in a different direction. Quinn quickly went to his room to change into dry clothes. But really all he did was put on boxers and sweatpants. As he walked out y/n was sitting in the last spot on the couch. Quinn decided to play it risky and sit down in front of her with his head slightly tilted back to her.

Jim had come to tell them to go to sleep and now y/n was with jack and Quinn was by himself. He laid there for about half an hour more before his door slightly opened. A figure walked in and called out.

"Quinn?" y/ns voice rang through the air. Quinn sat up and turned on the light next to his bed.

"y/n, what are you doing here? Why aren't you with jack?" Quinn asked. She shook her head and made her way to the bed next to Quinn.

"I'm not with jack anymore." The sentence hung in the air. She wasn't with jack?

"What happened?" Quinn asked. He knew what happened, he did.

"We both agreed that I'd be happier with you." y/n said before continuing. "He picked up on the little things. He said my eyes lit up whenever he mentioned you. He noticed how you always made sure I was okay when he didn't. I think he thinks that he was a bad boyfriend, if anything I was a bad girlfriend for letting someone come between me and jack."

"Can we stop talking about jack now? I swear you talk about him more now that you're not with him. We can deal with him when we see him tomorrow. But now, I really want to cuddle you." Quinn says as he lifts up the blankets and invites y/n in, She slides in next to him and he puts his arms around her and she does the same to him.

"I'm really glad it's you."

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