Break Up

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Mark Estapa
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688 words

Mark was going to break up with his girlfriend today. He didn't love her like she loved him. So when she walked into his dormroom he frowned.

"Hey, Mark." She said with a smile. He slightly smiled back.

"I'm going to go to your game later. Do you want me to take you there?" y/n asked. Mark shook his head.

"I'm getting a ride with Ethan today." He said. He quickly looked at the time.

"He should be here any minute now. I should go get ready to leave." Mark lied through his teeth. y/n slightly pick up on his different behavor. She sighed.

"I'll see you at your game then. Bye Mark." She said as she walked to the door of his room.

"Bye." Mark said as she walked through the door. Why didn't he tell her. He just didn't want to break her heart. He quickly dialed Ethan's number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Mark? What's up?"

"How do you break up with someone without hurting them?" Mark asked quickly. Ethan wasn't a relationship god, but he knew y/n.

"Oh. This is about y/n isn't it?" Ethan asked.

"Well I don't have any other girlfriend so yes it is." Mark replied sarcastically.

"There's no way you can't hurt her." Ethan said. There was a long pause between both boys.

"You're serious?" Mark asked in disbelief.

"She loves you, man. Everyone can see it. Love hurts people more than anything." Ethan said. Mark groaned.

"I don't want her to hate me!" Mark exclaimed.

"I'm actually confused if you do or don't like her now." Ethan said with a laugh.

"I don't." Mark said.

"Well.. if she comes to see you before the game at the lockeroom, tell her then." Ethan said.

"That way we can back you up and her friends can back her up too. The game will get her mind off it for a little while." Ethan spoke again. Mark just hummed.

"Okay. I'll see you later then." Mark said before he hung up. This was going to be the worst day of his life.


y/n had went to wish Mark luck before the game. He was already waiting for her outside of the lockeroom. No one else was there in the hall with them. y/n had smiled apon seeing her boyfriend.

"Hey, Mark." y/n said. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants, her estapa jersey, and a white sweatshirt under it. Mark started to frown.

"There's something I need to tell you." Mark said. y/n waited.

"Okay?" She said when Mark didn't speak again. He sighed before continuing.

"I think we need to-"

"I love you, Mark." y/n said, interrupting Mark trying to break up with her. She waited for him to say it back, but he never did.

"I don't love you, y/n." Mark said to the girl. Her heart sank to her stomach when he said that. She nodded anyways.

"I'm sorry, I tried to love you, I really did." Mark pleaded.

"But, I just can't. We need to break up. I'm not good for you." Mark quieted down as he continued talking.

"Okay." y/n said for the second time. She nodded and quickly took off her jersey, leaving her in the white University Of Michigan sweatshirt. She handed it to Mark. He didn't take it.

"Take it Mark." She said as a tear finally slipped down her cheek. Mark took the jersey from her hand and tried to apologize.

"Don't say you're sorry." She said to him.

"Okay." Mark was now the quiet one. y/n turned on her heel and walked back down the hallway and to the stands. This wasn't the way Mark thought about this going in his head. He believed that he'd be the first to walk away, leaving the heartbroken girl to herself. No, Mark was left standing in the hallway instead. He truely cared about her, just not the way she needed and if she was fine with it, he'd find a way to be fine with it too.

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