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William Nylander
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y/n Hughes walked through the arena, getting ready for the game to start. The Vancouver Canucks were hosting the Toronto Maple Leafs and she was just doing a final check to make sure everything was okay for the other team.

Quinn Hughes, y/n's brother, was playing his first game of the season tonight because he had suffered an early injury. y/n was going to wear a jersey with his number on it, but she got a text before she could put it on.

William 💗

Come to the hotel, I have a jersey for you.

I can't Will. No one knows, remember?

Then meet me at the hotel after?

I'll be there

y/n sighed as she pulled on her brother's jersey. She hated that she couldn't show off Nylander on her back.


y/n walked into the hotel after the game and went up to the third floor. Will had already given her his room number. She knocked on the door and it swung open. Will pressed his lips against hers and grabbed her hips.

"I've missed you so much." William whispered onto her lips. y/n's cheeks flushed as she listened to his voice, his clear voice, not the one that was fuzzy from over the phone.

"I love you, William." y/n whispered to him. Her voice was barely audible, like she was trying to hide them from everyone else. But, since they're still standing in an open doorway, they aren't hiding from anyone.

William kisses her again and slowly leads the pair into the hotel room. y/n parts from him and closes the door. William pulls her back to him.

"Please, come to Toronto..." William whispers. His hands held her waist as hers cupped his face. y/n frowns.

"I can't Will..." y/n whispers back with a frown. William's eyes glisten as he leans into y/n's neck. y/n brushes her hands through his hair as he silently cries. y/n knows he misses her, y/n misses him just as much, but she can't just leave everything she has in Vancouver.

"How about we just watch a movie and take the night off?" William nods against her neck. He pulls away from her and leads her to his hotel room bed. He sits against the headboard and opens his arms for y/n. She smiles and crawls into the bed, cuddling up with William. y/n had grabbed the remote before sitting down. She scrolled through TV channels, but in the end, found nothing. y/n turned the TV off and put the remote on the nightstand. William pulls y/n close to him. The two stayed wrapped in each other's arms in silence.

The next morning y/n woke up in William's hotel room. Her phone was constantly ringing. William wasn't in the room. She sighed and picked up her phone. Quinn was calling her.


"y/n! Are you okay? Where are you?"

"Quinn, I'm fine. I slept over at a friend's house."

"Where are you though? I need to pick you up, Mom and Dad are in town."

"(hotel name and street)"

"Why are you at a hotel?"

"I'll tell you when you get here."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Quinn hung up the phone and y/n groaned. How was she going to tell Quinn she was in love with William Nylander? y/n got up and straightened out her clothes. As she went to walk out of the hotel room the door opened in front of her. William was standing there with wide eyes as if y/n had scared him.

"Where are you going?" William asked with a frown. He wasn't ready for y/n to leave yet. He didn't want to go back to Facetimeing her.

"I have to leave. My parents are in town and Quinn's coming to pick me up." y/n told William. William nodded in understanding, but still, he showed his frown.

"Let me walk you down." William said as he turned around in the doorway and stepped back into the hall. y/n followed him out.

The two stood outside in the slight cold. y/n saw Quinn's car pull into the hotel parking lot and y/n began to feel her heart dropping. She was going to miss William.

"Hey y/n?" The girl turned around and William grabbed her hips and leaned into her. He pressed his lips against hers. He pulled away from her as Quinn's car pulled up to the pair by the front door. y/n wrapped her arms around William, pulling him flush against her.

"I'll call you later, okay?" y/n said. William nodded in her shoulder.

"I love you, William." y/n said as she pulled away. William smiled sadly.

"I love you too, y/n." William said as he watched y/n get into Quinn's car. Quinn leaned over and looked at William through the open door. He raised an eyebrow and leaned back into his seat. The two drove away and y/n didn't say anything. Quinn watched her lean against the window and stare off into the distance.

"You were with William Nylander?" Quinn questioned. y/n nodded and began to speak.

"We've been dating for almost a year now. We've been in a long-distance relationship and yesterday night and this morning was the first time I've seen him in around 5 months." y/n said quietly. She was afraid Quinn would notice how close she was to crying if she spoke any louder.

"When did you guys meet?" Quinn asked.

"Remember when I interned for the Maple Leafs? We met then and we've been friends ever since." y/n said a little louder this time. She was nervous about what Quinn was going to think about them being together.

"Are you going to move to Toronto?" Quinn asked her a tough question. y/n shrugged.

"I've been thinking about it, but I don't know if I'm ready to leave Vancouver. I mean, you're here, my job is here,-"

"We can get together with the manager and ask about transferring your job to the Maple Leafs?" Quinn interrupts her. y/n never thought about that. She slowly nods.

"Can we?" y/n asks, her mood lifted higher than when they left the hotel.

"Of course, I need to see you happy and if happy is in Toronto, Toronto will be where you'll go."

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