Hall Pass

881 6 0

Jamie Drysdale/Trevor Zegras
Not requested
557 words

Jamie never really thought of Trevor as a cheater. Trevor never really made himself out to be one either. He was just... forgetful.

Despite being Jamie's boyfriend, Trevor went home from the bar with Jack during all star weekend (which was surprisingly hosted in Anaheim). Jamie clearly noticed the way both men were flirting the entire night and he just didn't care.

Well, he did, but Trevor was usually sorry about this kind of thing. Not that he went home with people all the time, but Trevor was sorry when he did. He just seemed to have forgotten about Jamie for a moment and then he was suddenly in Jack's hotel bed.

When Trevor walked into his and Jamie's apartment the next morning he didn't apologize. He walked into their shared bathroom and took a quick shower, washing off any evidence of the night before. He then sat right next to Jamie on the couch. He tucked himself right into the corner of the couch before even looking at Jamie.

"Anything you have to say?" Jamie asked. He knew Trevor would come around and be sorry, he was just embarrassed he made some stupid mistake.

"I'm not sorry this time. I really wanted to fuck Jack." Trevor shrugged. Jamie rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"You wanted to get laid so you cheat on me once again. At some point I need to stop forgiving you." Jamie said harshly as he pulled himself off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Jamie." Trevor followed his boyfriend into the other room, keeping a few paces in between them. Jamie didn't look back at Trevor.

"You could just go out and hook up with someone. Hall pass or whatever it's called." Trevor said. Jamie raised as eyebrow as he finally looked over his shoulder at Trevor.

"You're serious? That's... probably the craziest thing you've ever said." Jamie laughs. His wide eyes look over Trevor for any sort of motion to make him realize he's joking.

"I mean go ahead. There's a whole rink full of guys for the next day or two. Go get some dick." Trevor grins. Jamie rolls his eyes, but yet, doesn't remove the idea from his mind.

"I'm getting lunch. You coming?" Jamie asked. Trevor nods, shaking his wet hair, making Jamie grimace.


Jamie walked through his apartment doors to be met by Trevor sitting by himself on the couch.

"Late night?" Trevor asked, his eyes scanning over the skin on Jamie's body, looking for anything to tell him about his boyfriend's night out. Jamie shrugs.

"I wasn't staying the night. I'd rather be here with you." Jamie mumbled as he leaned down to plant a kiss on Trevor's cheek.

"Ew. I don't know where your mouth has been." Trevor joked with a smile. Jamie rolled his eyes playfully before sitting on the couch next to Trevor.

"I didn't kiss him... or give him head, but still." Jamie flung an arm over Trevor's shoulder to pull him into his side.

"Why didn't you kiss him?" Trevor asked with soft eyes.

"I kiss the people I love. Not hookups. The first time we fucked I didn't kiss you." Jamie pointed out. Trevor nodded before laying his head on Jamie's shoulder. Jamie rested his head on Trevor's.

"I love you too." Trevor whispered before letting his eyes close.

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