Acting With You

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Luke Hughes
675 words
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y/n never really knew how to talk to people. She tried to make herself interesting to them, but in the end, they'd all run away from her. She was never herself and people have said that's the problem, but it can't be. People have never liked the real her. They said she was too loud, too annoying, and sometime, too quiet. People would always switch what was wrong with her.

Then there's Luke. He said that he loved her the way she was and that she didn't need to change, but she doesn't know who she is. She just knows that when she's with Luke, she doesn't feel like she's acting like she is with anyone else.

But, there are also times where she was acting but she never knew who she was acting as. She would be loud because that's who she thought she needed to be, or she'd do the same with being quiet. Luke would never know what kind of girlfriend he was getting during those times. It scared him sometimes. Like today, when y/n walked into his dorm she was smiling and giggling, talking to him more than usual, but then in less than an hour, she was quiet and she wasn't smiling as much. Then Luke kept asking her what was wrong and she was rude to him. She didn't like him worrying about her, mostly when she didn't even know what was wrong.

"y/n, I think we should break up." Luke spoke softly in the quiet room, his eyes filled with tears. He didn't want this.

"What...?" y/n words take a long time to form, her shock evident in her voice. Luke looks down at the floor, not at her, as he doesn't say another word.

"Wait, why? Actually, I know why, but... why now?" y/n asks, her words even softer than Luke's. She's holding back tears, one's she's afraid that will slip down her cheeks.

"y/n, something is wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me what it is-"

"So, you feel helpless when your with me? I can't help with that, Luke. I don't even know what's wrong. I've been like this my whole life and, even if I tried, I don't think "this" would be an easy fix." y/n's words spil from her mouth faster and louder she would have liked. She's not yelling at Luke, it's just that everything seems loud in the extremely quiet room. Luke sighs.

"You're different every time I see you, and all I want is for you to be the real you, the one that I thought I fell in love with." Luke finally looked back at her, the tears in his eyes shining brightly. y/n knows she can't help with how he's feeling. She could try thought.

"Will you stay with me if I get professional help?" y/n asked. Luke didn't respond. He didn't even think this would be something y/n would say. She never liked help and Luke definitely knew that.

"If me being with you will hold you back from getting better, no. But, if you can promise me that you can get better with me, I'll be there every step of the way." y/n breathed in and exhalded loudly as if she couldn't believe he was staying. He didn't want to leave, he wanted her to get better. y/n took a step forward, wrapping her arms around Luke. He wrapped his arms around her in response.

"All I want is for you to get better and figure out who you are, y/n. Please, please, do that for me." Luke pleaded as he held the girl in his arms.

"I will. I will as long as your with me every step of the way. I trust you to help me, Luke." y/n spoke softly as the tears finally fell from her eyes.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure you're okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

A/N: maybe I need help bc why do I act different with everyone?? There's only a couple people that I actually can be myself with. The mood swings y/n has (going from loud and happy to quiet and sad) are lowkey experienced by me so this is kinda personal??

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