Little Miss Perfect

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Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk
673 words
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Matthew wasnt ever known for following the rules, so why would he follow his parent's? Their one rule, he can't be gay. Clearly, this didn't work. Matthew's been with many guys behind their back, including a couple of his teammates. Keith, Matthew's dad, doesn't know this. He never will as long as Matthew has his way. But, Matthew is so close to slipping up about a certain someone. Leon.

Leon's currently at Matthew's house, an xbox controller in his hand as he plays against Matthew in NHL24. Panthers vs Oliers, but they can't have their own team. Matthew's heart races as Leon laughs at his own goal. Matthew scoring on Matthew. There's something about his voice that Matthew needs to hear again.

Somehow, Matthew and Leon went from enemies to friends over the course of summer. They spent so much time together in Germany since Matthew needed a vacation from his family where he can be himself for once. They just casually ran into each other one day and ended up friends. Leon learned about a new side of Matthew that, well, no one knew. And now Matthew likes Leon, more than a friend.

"Matty, you know that-" Matthew kisses Leon, no thought in his mind. The first thing he's aware of is Leon's hand coming up and resting on the side of his face. Then Leon pulls away and Matthew's expecting some kind of rudeness from him, but instead Leon was awestruck. There was a sound coming from the door to the basement, but Matthew thought nothing of it as he felt Leon's hand on his face.

"That wasn't an in the moment thing right? You actually like me?" Leon asked. Matthew nodded, his eyes wide as he looked at Leon. Then he started to lean back in and then Matthew saw it. That sound coming from the door wasn't nothing. It was his father opening the door to walk down the stairs. He saw everything. He saw his son kiss Leon.

"Leon, you need to leave." Matthew spoke quietly and his eyes never left his father. Leon's hand fell from the side of Matthew's face. He looked back to where Matthew was looking, spotting his father. Leon knew almost everything about Matthew's life, including his father and what he has to hide from him. Leon got off of the ground slowly, his eyes on Matthew, his hand in his. When he finally pulled away and walked out, Keith approached Matthew.

"Get out of my house." Keith didn't stutter. Matthew's eyes widened and he stood from the ground, backing away from his father.

"You- You're kicking me out?" Matthew couldn't believe it. Even after everything he's done wrong, he's never even been sent to his room. But now, it's not his room. Keith is kicking him out, leaving him to the streets.

"I can't have someone like you living in my house. We have a reputation to uphold and if you can't do that, you have to leave." Keith said sternly. There's no changing his mind because his mind was made before he even saw Matthew. His life his practically over.


Matthew knocked on Leon's front door as the rain poured over him. His bag was getting wet. He'd have to dry all of his clothes again. Leon opened the door, his eyes wide because of the sight on his doorstep.

"Matthew?" Leon asked. Matthew was the first to move as he launched himself into Leon's arms.

"Matty- Are you crying?" Leon asked in disbelief. He knew things were bad between Matthew and his father, but what just went on in that house had to be terrible.

"He kicked me out.." Matthew sobbed into Leon's neck. Leon didn't say anything back, instead, he pulled away from Matthew and grabbed his wet bag, walking inside, waiting for Matthew to follow him. He does, stepping out of the rain.

"You can stay with me." Leon said softly. Matthew couldn't help but hug Leon again, just wanting to be held by someone who loves him.

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