Worth The Chase

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Connor Bedard
668 words
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"That should be me." Connor huffed as he watched Leo Carlsson with the girl he's had a crush on for the past year. Connor met Gabby at a media event before the draft, the same night Leo met her. Her and Connor became good friends and he'd never seen her talk to Leo. Gabby was with Connor all the time and during that time she must have gained a crush on Leo as Connor gained a crush on her. Connor's okay with it, but it breaks his heart to see his best friend with someone other than him.

"You should have said something before he had. I'm sure she would have dated you." Adam Fantilli, another friend he made during the Media trip, said with a sigh. He was tired of Connor pinning over a girl that's been someone elses for the last couple months. Suddenly an idea comes to his mind.

"Let's go out tonight. You can talk to some other girls and finally realize Gabby is not worth the chase." Adam suggested. Connor looked at him with a did-you-really-just-say-that look. Adam's bright smile doesn't flatter as Connor looks at him.



Connor's dressed in his nice black pants and a black button up. Adam said he was here to impress and get girl's attention, and don't get him wrong, he has, but there was one girl there he couldn't get the attention of. She was leaning against the bar top as she sipped on a red drink. She looked about Connor's age and he hated that he eyes hadn't landed on him. Connor takes a moment before walking up to her.

"Hey." Connor smiled. She looks at him for the first time that night with a smile that Connor wishes he could see everyday.

"Hi." The girl smiled back. Connor knew she was pretty, but her voice. Even better.

"I'm Connor." Connor said, sticking out his hand for her to shake. She giggles a little as she takes his hand.

"I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you." y/n sent another smile to Connor. But this one's different. It's not a closed mouth, I'm trying to be polite smile, it's a grin where all of her teeth are showing and she actually means it. Connor had to be doing something right. He notices that her drink is now empty. He points to it as he speaks.

"Would you like another? It's on me." Connor smiled. He was going to get a drink himself, but if she wanted one who was he to say no?

"Yeah, sure. I'm having a shirley temple." Connor gives her a look as she tells him her drink.

"What even is that?" Connor laughs as he flags down a bartender.

"Sprite and red fruity syrup." y/n laughs back. Connor makes an impulsive decision as he orders their drinks.

"Two Shirley temples please." Connor ordered. He pulled out ten dollars and left it on the bar top.

"Trying it out huh?" y/n smiles. Connor shrugged.

"I mean, might as well." Connor replied as the bartender came back with their drinks. Connor thanks him as he takes them and gives one to y/n. The bartender doesn't take his money.

"It's on the house." The bartender said before walking away. y/ns eyes are wide as he walks away.

"I'm a regular here! How come I never get free drinks?" y/n frowns. Connor laughs.

"I'm kinda famous. I mean, first overall pick for chicago." Then someone clicks in y/ns mind. She grins as she points at Connor in realization.

"Bedard, right? Come here to find a trophy wife before starting a life in chicago? Don't worry, I got you." y/n snickers as she talks. Connor rolls his eyes playfully.

"I mean, if you're offering." Connor laughs. At the end of the night the two exchange numbers and Connor's mind never went back to Gabby. He found someone perfect and actually worth the chase

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