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777 words
Jamie Drysdale
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Something was wrong, but y/n didn't know what. She huffed as she pulled out her notebook. People have said writing helps you get out emotions, but y/n didn't have anything to write about. Instead of her emotions, she had prompts.

what would happen in your dream day?

Dear me,

Something that would make my day, my dream day, would be waking up to summer break and having a text on my phone that Jamie's coming to visit for a week, maybe more if he could. But, my summer break happens before the playoffs are over so that can't happen.

Jamie would say his plane is landing in an hour and I'd get ready to see him. Just for him, I'd put on my (his) anaheim ducks sweatshirt that he gave me before he left. I'd drive to the airport and wait as long as I need to for him. I could be standing there in the middle of a waiting croud and I wouldn't care.

When he got there we would kiss and hug, but he's ultimately be tired from the jet lag. I'd offer to go get coffee and he'd agree. We'd do and sit down, enjoying brunch between the two of us, even if all were having is coffee and a muffin. It'd be quiet so we can have our time to ourselves.

He'd ask if he could go back to my apartment and I'd say yes. We'd go and watch the gilmore girl, our show, and we'd fall asleep on the couch together. We'd wake up the next morning side by side like we weren't miles apart the day before.

I wouldn't want to win the lottery, win a vacation, or anything big like that. I just want Jamie. He's what would make me the happiest I've ever been.


y/n sighed. Maybe this feeling of loneliness was because Jamie hadn't called her in 2 days. He was busy on away games, but he used to always make time for her. They'd talk about the game, that y/n always watched, her work, her life, his life, how they miss each other. But, he never called.


y/n waited until they got back home from the road to call him. I'd been five days since they talked last and y/n only grew more worried about why he didn't call her. Maybe he met someone on the road and realized he didn't want y/n. Maybe his phone died and he lost his charger.

He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello?" Jamie asked. He never answered the phone like that.

"Jamie." y/n said, relieved nothing bad happened to him.

"y/n?" Jamie asked. y/n couldn't tell if his voice shown happiness or confusion.

"You never called. You always call." y/n said sadly. Tears pricked at her eyes. It was like Jamie didn't even realize.

"y/n, open your door." Jamie said. y/n sighed and got up from her couch and walked to the door.

"What's out there?" y/n asked. Jamie hung up on her. y/n's tears fell from her eyes. Was she aksing too many questions? Was he frustrated that she wasn't doing what he asked when he asked it? y/n didn't know.

She grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened it peaking into the hallway before the door was open all the way. Jamie stood there with a bright smile on his face that faded when saw the tears streaming down her face.

"Oh, baby, why are you crying?" Jamie asked as he pushed the door open all the way to get to his girlfriend. He used his sweatshirt sleeve to dry the tears that have fallen on her face.

"You didn't call and then you had the audacity to hang up on me." y/n said, still trying to comprehend that Jamie was standing in front of her.

"I hung up because I was standing outside your door, y/n/n." Jamie smiled. y/n sighed.

"And you didn't call because?" She asked. Jamie's soft smile never faded.

"I was on my way to you and if I called you would know I'm not on the road with the boys." Jamie said. y/n believed him, but yet he could have texted her. She quickly closed the space between her and Jamie, pulling him into a tight up, finally knowing he's actually standing in front of him.

"I missed you, y/n/n." Jamie whispered.

"I missed you too, Jamie." y/n breathes. Jamie takes a deep breath, taking in that his girlfriend is hugging her after way too long.

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