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Nico hischier
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y/n and Nico were invited to the Hughes' lakehouse for part of the summer by Jack. Nico and y/n have been dating for the past 2 years and Nico doesn't know if she loves him anymore.

Nico watches as y/n swims around with Quinn. He felt his chest tighten as she laughed with the new captain.

They were clearly extremely close. The Hughes brothers did know y/n before Nico did, but was that really it?

Someone taps Nico on the shoulder. Nico looks up to see Jack sitting down next to him. He doesn't say anything for a minute.

"What are you so sad about?" Jack asks. Nico sighs.

"Did they have something before me?" Nico asks as he nods towards his girlfriend and his best friend's brother. Jack shrugged.

"No one really knows. They've been close ever since they met." Jack says. Nico begins to think about y/n with Quinn again. Jack looks at him and scoffs.

"You really think she likes Quinn, yeah?" Jack says with a laugh. Nico looks down.

"She'd never leave you even if it meant the world, Nico. She's really in love with you." Jack says to his captain. Nico just nods.

"If you really love her, you won't make assumptions either." Jack says as Quinn calls the boys' names.

"Jack, Nico! Come swim with us!" Quinn yells with a smile on his face. Jack starts getting up and Nico follows suit.

"Now go get your girl." Jack says as he pushes Nico ahead of him.

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