It'll Be Okay

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Trevor Zegras/Jack Hughes
Not requested
699 words

A/N: this was supposed to be a Luke/reader from Jack's POV... but then Trevor came into play and I needed to make him hopelessly in love.

"Jack!" y/n yells with a smile on her face. Jack's eyes brighten as he hears the girl who just walked through the lake house's front door.

"y/n/n!" Jack yells as he jumps up from the couch to rush over and hug the girl. y/n laughs at Jack's excitement. His eyes sparkle as he looks at her.

"Where's the rest of you guys?" y/n asks while looking around the room for the rest of the Hughes brothers. Quinn appears after rounding a corner and hugs y/n just as tight as Jack did.

"Oh my god, it's been forever. Did Ellen invite you for the whole summer or just part of it?" Quinn asks with a smile. His eyes don't shine as bright as Jack's.

"Whole summer." y/n didn't tell them that Ellen wasn't the one who invited her. Luke showed up after.

"Hey pretty." Luke whispers as he leans in to hug the girl. His hug is looser than the other two brothers. As he pulls away from y/n, her hand slides from his back to his arm, holding him by his bicep.

Jack watches the interaction with a frown on his face. y/n never touched him like that. He watches as Quinn pulls him away and back over to the group of people on the couch. Luke and y/n whisper back and forth. y/n laughs at something he said. Jack's heart falls farther down his chest.

Eventually, Luke and y/n stop talking to just each other and decide to introduce her to the rest of the people at the lake house (Trevor, Cole, Alex, etc. you get the jist). Luke's smile grows as he begins to speak.

"This is my girlfriend, y/n." Luke boasts.

Holy hell.

Jack gets up quickly and runs out of the room and down the hall, shutting himself in the bathroom. He hears footsteps coming after him so he keeps quiet. The tears start streaming down his face as someone knocks on the door.

"Jack?" Trevor.

"You can come in." Jack's voice cracks. Trevor's energetic mood goes away at the sight of his best friend crying. Trevor shuts the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" Trevor asks. Jack tries to breathe the best that he can.

"He knew I liked her, Trevor. I've liked her for the last five years and Luke didn't even care." Jack complains. Trevor frowns.

"You didn't know they're together?" Trevor whispers. Jack shakes his head as he wipes his eyes harshly.

"Jack... we all knew Luke was with her." Jack shakes his head again.

"Luke would have told me." Jack says. Trevor sighs.

"He probably kept it from you because he knew it'd hurt you. He just wanted you happy, Jack." Trevor says. Jack didn't respond. Instead, Trevor opens his arms for an embrace and Jack falls right into him.

"It'll be okay, Jackie." Trevor holds his friend as he cries. He rubs his back and whispers to him. Jack only holds him tighter. Trevor's heart breaks because of how upset Jack is.

"Jack... do you want to go to my room and lay down?" Trevor asks. Jack nods even though he has his own room at the house. Jack follows Trevor down the hallway, his eyes lingering where the rest of the people are laughing and smiling. y/n was tucked under Luke's arm.

"You can stay here as long as you need. I won't tell anyone you're here okay?" Trevor whispers as Jack lays on his bed, his head in the pillows. Trevor moves to leave, but Jack calls out.

"Can you stay?" Jack whispers. Trevor wanted to say no, but the way Jack's voice cracks makes him stay.

"Can you hold me?" Jack asks once Trevor is laying down next to him. Trevor opens his arms and lets Jack climb into them. Trevor's heart pulls at his chest.

This will never be more to Jack than comfort.

Trevor came to the conclusion that he needs to learn how to say no to Jack, or else he'll fall deeper in love with the brown haired boy next to him.

"It'll be okay, Jack. I've got you."

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