Luke's Friend

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933 words
Jack Hughes
Requested by @rowdylvr

Jack was currently in Michigan to watch one of Luke's last games. He was hurt for one of the many times this season and it's over soon anyways. People have said he doesn't need to be in New Jersey to watch everything crumble around the team, so he left at the first opportunity. Also, Luke doesn't know Jack's here.

This was a "special game" as it wasn't a real game. It was just for fun. Girlfriends vs Boyfriends and Jack was planning on watching in the stands with Luke, but when he got there Luke wasn't sitting alone. He was with a girl. Jack's mind instantly went to that's his girlfriend, but Luke would have told him. Plus, the girl was too pretty to be on Luke's level.

"Emma!" Luke yelled, acting like he was offended by something she said. Jack knew he wasn't, but it was nice to see him have fun. Jack walked slowly over to the two, making sure his shoulder wasn't uncomfortable as he climbed the stairs. Luke saw him first, then Emma laid her eyes on him and Jack thought he might die. She was gorgeous, unlike anything Jack's ever seen, and trust him when he says he's seen a lot.

"Jack?" Luke questioned, blinking like his eyes where deceiving him. Jack rolled his eyes, a smile on his face before speaking again. Emma's eyes were still on him.

"I'm here, don't worry. Shoulder injury and all." Luke laughed at that comment while standing up to hug him the best he could without touching his shoulder. Jack didn't like being treated like he could break any moment, but if he could be with his brother, he'd accept that's the way it has to be.

"Oh, this is Emma. She's interning with our media team." Luke steps away from Jack, using his hand to motion to Emma. She smiles at Jack and he almost stumbles back down the stairs.

"I'm Jack. Luke's brother." Emma doesn't say I know like Jack thought she would. Instead she stands to shake his hand, making small talk.

"You play for the Devils, right?" She asked, sounding awestruck, but Jack can't let him think it's because of Jack, not Jack Hughes. He's only a professional player to some of these people and Emma isn't someone he wants that to apply too.

"Yeah. You a fan?" Jack asked, waiting for her yes to ring through the air. She lets out a laugh before turning to Luke quickly.

"Is he like this to everyone?" She asked. Jack doesn't know what she meant, but most of the people who know him and his team are fans. Luke smiled and shrugged. Emma turned back to him, her beautiful eyes finding his own yet again.

"I'm more of a Rangers girl myself." Emma smiled. Jack nods, an embarrassed look on his face and Luke has himself questioning. Jack's never embarrassed and to suddenly be embarrassed with Emma, that's a new one.

"Let's see... who beat the Rangers in the playoffs?" Jack asked, a cocky smile on his face. Emma rolls her eyes, almost the same smile on hers. Luke interrupts whatever they have going on.

"We should watch the game. I think Rutger's sister actually played hockey before." Luke changes the subject. Emma turns to go sit on the bleachers with Luke, her eyes trailing on Jack before finally turning away.


A couple of months of hanging out and now Jack and Luke have to leave Emma. They're going back to their lake house which is farther from UMICH than either of them like. Luke hugged Emma before walking through the parking lot to find this car. Then it was just Jack. Emma doesn't say anything as Jack stands in front of her.

"I-" Emma moves closer to Jack, hesitating a minute before tilting her head up to kiss him. Jack can't resist what he's been wanting for the past month, even if she's more Luke's than his. His eyes close slowly, taking in the moment. One of Jack's hands place on her waist, the other he can't move very far because of his shoulder. She pulls away, looking into Jack's eyes. Her eyes were softer than before. She's never looked at Luke like this before, it's something only for Jack and he never wants to give it away.

"When's your internship over?" Jack asked, his voice quiet in case Luke was listing close by. Emma tilts her head to the side, thinking.

"A couple months. I'm working with Track and Field since hockey's over. When the season's done, I'm free." Emma spoke quickly because she wanted Jack to share the reason for his question. Jack took a breath before whispering.

"I want you to come to New Jersey with me, even if it's not permanent. I want to keep whatever we have. I want to keep you." Jack's eyes showed more emotion than his face did. He was scared she was going to leave him and there was already a sense of longing for her. Jack really wanted her.

"I'll have Luke give you my number, so we can keep talking. When the season's over I'll go to New Jersey with you, I promise." Emma said, her smile small and her eyes already sad. He wasn't even gone yet and he wouldn't be gone in the first place. He was going to be a couple hours away and that's nothing compared to the distance from Jersey.

"I'll see you then." Jack smiled before kissing Emma again and leaving her to go to the car where Luke was waiting.

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