His sister

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Jeremy Swayman
Not requested

A/N: This is very bad and really rushed you guys.

Jeremy Swayman loved kids. It was something that if you didn't know, you'd find out quickly once meeting him. So, during warms for the first game of the Stanley Cup playoff there was a mother and their child sitting by the glass behind him, he had to go say hello.

Jeremy skated over to the two while the rest of the team was getting out pucks to they could warm up. He didn't take off his helmet so he was safe if his players decided to chuck the puck a mile above the net.

Jeremy waved to the child by the glass. The mom pointed at Jeremy and said something along the lines of, "Look a player is saying hi!". The child's smile grew when he saw the wave Jeremy was giving him.

Then Jeremy saw the jersey he was wearing. It was his. Jeremy then smiled brightly as he waved at the mother and pointed to his number number on the side of his arm. The mother nodded before Jeremy had to go.


The game ended and Jeremy was walking out into the parking lot when there was a sound a couple cars down from his. The mother from earlier was standing there talking to Charlie McAvoy. Charlie looks back when he feels someone looking at him. Charlie smiles and waves at his friend.

"Hey, Jeremy!" Charlie says. The mother notices him and her eyes go wide. Her child was sleeping in her arms. Jeremy walk over to the two after dropping his stuff by his car.

"Hey, Charlie. Hey, girl from earlier." Jeremy says as he gets where they are. Charlie suddenly looks confused.

"'Girl from earlier?'" Charlie asks looking between the now blushing mother and Jeremy.

"Her seat was behind our goal and I went to go say hi to the child." Jeremy says casually. Charlie nods.

"Well, I'll formally introduce you guys. Jeremy, this is Lelia McAvoy, my sister, and Lelia this is Jeremy Swayman, our goalie." Charlie says with a wink at Lelia. Lelia rolls her eyes at her brother. Jeremy noticed the interaction between the siblings, but he didn't know what it meant.

"And this is Bentley." Leila added in. The first time Jeremy heard her voice he almost gasped. Her voice was the definition of beautiful to him.

"Bentley's a cute name." Jeremy said with a smile. Lelia nodded. Charlied hummed as he fumbled with his keys.

"I'm going to go put my stuff away real quickly. I'll be back so don't go anywhere." Charlie said before walking to his car with all of his stuff.

"So... what was the winking about?" Lelia's face turned bright red as he asked that question. Lelia stuttered before spitting out a sentence.

"I just like goalies and Charlie takes it too literal sometimes." Lelia shrugs it off. Jeremy nods with a smile.

"We should go get coffee sometime. I mean, you like goalies and I like kids, practically a perfect match." Jeremy's eyes shown in the darkness. It was like the stars were more visible in his eyes than they were in the night sky.

"Sure. I'm not in town for much longer, but I'd be happy to go get coffee." Then that's when Jeremy's heart dropped. Not in town for much longer stayed in Jeremy's head.

"You don't live here near Charlie? How far away are you?" Jeremy asked with a smile.

"I live in Iowa. I just come down here when both me and Bentley have a break from school and work." Lelia responds, growing more comfortable with talking to Jeremy.

"Well, before you travel the distance back we are going to get coffee. You, me, and Bentley." Jeremy said with a big smile. Lelia nodded.

"Okay." Lelia says as Charlie walks back up to them.

"Okay, I'm going to head out. I'll see you both later." Charlie says before walking away from both of them again.

"I'm going to leave too. I need to get Bentley out of my arms. He's heavier than he looks." Lelia laughs. Jeremy would have offered to carry Bentley if it meant he was going to be able to talk to Lelia longer.


Jeremy went out with Lelia two days later. They met up at a coffee shop not too far from the rink where Jeremy was planning on taking her after they were done with their coffee. Charlie was put on babysitting duty since Lelia was going to be stuck in a car for many hours with the child.

"So, how was the coffee?" Jeremy asks as the two walk down the street to the rink. Lelia hums.

"Definitely better than the coffee we have in Iowa." Lelia smiles. The two arrive the rink not to long after.


"You're telling me your brother is a professional hockey player and you don't know how to skate?" Jeremy says in disbelief. Lelia nods embarrassed. Jeremy's smile never flattens.

"I guess I'll just have to teach you." Jeremy acts like it's such a hastle for him to teach her to skate but he actually doesn't mind the excuse to hold her hands as she struggles to make it across the ice.

"Can I let go?" Jeremy asks. Lelia looks scared, but otherwise nods. Jeremy moves from skating backwards in front of her to skating next to her. Lelia, even though she was skating perfectly fine, grabbed onto Jeremy's hand and intertwined their fingers. Jeremy looks down at their hands and then looks at Lelia who is trying not to look at him.

Jeremy then decides to act on impulse. He quickly picks Lelia up bridal style and spins around on the ice. Her yells and laughter were enough to make him think that was a good idea. And it was, because Lelia ended up wrapping her arms around his neck to make sure she wasn't going to fall. But then in the middle of all the laughter, there was an interruption.

"What the hell are you doing with my sister?"

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