Just A Kiss

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Quinn Hughes
Not requested
773 words
PT 1 out of 3

"This is y/n." Luke smiles at the girl standing next to him. y/n smiles shyly at Luke's older brothers standing before her. Jack looks over her body, just like everyone else. Quinn's eyes look over her face, examining her like he was trying to find some kind of imperfection, some kind of insecurity.

Luke taps at y/n's arm as her eyes get too lost in Quinn's. Luke gains her attention and his smile falters.

"Do you want to go out or stay in?" Luke asks. y/n thinks for a moment, the older brother's eyes on her still. Luke waited.

"Can we stay in today and go skating tomorrow?" y/n asks. Luke nods with a smile. She and him always went skating together. Both of their lives revolve around hockey, but yet, skating is something so... different. It's just you and the ice. No stick. No puck. No pressure.

"Of course." Luke led her away from his brothers. Quinn watched as she was dragged away from him with a bright smile on her face.


Luke couldn't go skating the next day. y/n didn't even have to ask if there was a slight possibility he could go. The sounds of Luke puking in the bathroom were enough. When he had a moment away from the toilet, he spoke.

"y/n/n, you can still go skating. You can have Jack or Quinn take you, they wouldn't mind." Luke rushed. He dipped his face back into the toilet and y/n cringed.

"I'll see if one of them wants to go." y/n said as she hurried out of the bathroom. She found herself walking to the room of oldest brother. Something about him made him the first thought on y/n's mind. She knocked on his bedroom door.

"Come in." His voice sounded from the other side. The same voice that made y/n so shy she could barely speak, but yet, she opened the door and stood. Quinn's eyes took in the unfamiliar presence of her standing in his doorway.

"Do you want to go skating with me?" y/n asked. Quinn looked confused for a moment, but then he spoke.

"Like hockey skating?" Quinn asked. y/n shook her head no.

"Like just us and the ice. Me and Luke usually go, but as you probably heard, that's not happening." y/n laughed a little bit. Quinn smiled and dropped his gaze from her as he moved.

"I'll go. When are you thinking?" Quinn asked.

"Right now." y/n said. Quinn nodded.

"Give me five and I'll meet you at the front door." Quinn said as he got up from his bed and stretched. y/n nodded with a smile before closing the door and skipping down the hall to the room she was staying in. She pulled on a Michigan sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants over her leggings before grabbing her skates and walking to the front door. Quinn was waiting there for her with car keys in his hand.


"So... are you and Luke together?" Quinn asked as he and y/n skated around the empty rink. She shook her head

"Oh, no, I don't like him like that. Just friends." y/n responded. Quinn hummed. They moved in silence.

"Are you seeing anyone?" y/n asked. It was only fair if she asked back, you know, to return the question. Quinn shook his head no.

"I haven't really had time to meet anyone." Quinn said. y/n nodded, knowing how busy NHL schedules can be. Suddenly, y/n's skate slipped out from underneath her and down she went.

"Are you okay?" Quinn rushed to pick her up off the ice. y/n just laughed.

"I'm okay." y/n smiled at the boy who was holding her. Quinn noticed something he hadn't seen before. Her eyes sparkled. They shone as she looked at Quinn. He quickly found himself looking down towards her lips. y/n's cheeks flushed.

"Can I... kiss you?" Quinn asked and he was met with silence.

"I know we just met yesterday, but I just-"

"Yes." Quinn was silent. y/n looked at him with wide eyes. Her hands found their way to his chest, resting there as Quinn finally leaned in closer to her. He kissed her and pulled away. It was quick. Too quick. y/n leaned back in the moment he was away from her again. She brought one hand around his neck and the other played with the bottom of his hair. Quinn's arms were now tighter around her waist and he never planned on letting go.

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