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574 words
Jesper Bratt
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PT2 of love

Jesper Bratt loved to love y/n. He knew what used to be going on with her and Dawson, but love clouded his mind.

y/n l/n did learn to love Jesper. He's the most important person in her life, but the thought of him lingers in the back of her mind.

They way Jesper touched her, carefully, like she would break, make her head spin. The faintness of his touch made her want more, but that she couldn't ever have.

She almost went back.

She didn't.

She's learned to move slowly with Jesper, letting him take the lead no matter what they did. But, she never took the lead. Not with Jesper, not with Dawson.

y/n l/n sat with Jack on his couch. The urge to reach out and touch him was overwhelming to her. She knew he would oblige.

She didn't touch him.

She couldn't.

Her love for Jesper was stopping her. How can you love someone so much, but want something they won't give you so badly?

y/n didn't know.

She'd never know.

Later that night y/n was with Jesper. He, yet again, was touching her like she'd break. She couldn't handle it. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck, tightly, hoping he'd get the hint.

Jesper touched her more roughly now. She liked it, she loved him.

Dawson Mercer knocked on her door. She opened it thinking it was Jesper, oh how she wished she was right.

Dawson quickly embraced her, trying to get her to come back.

She pushed him off.

She didn't want him.

Jesper came home later to find y/n curled up on the ground of her bathroom. She didn't like his touch. She didn't want it.

Jesper comforted her, telling her he'd do something about it.

Dawson never showed up again.

The next time she saw him there was another girl with him. She looked in love with him, like y/n used to be. She felt bad for the girl, who looked much like her.

y/n kept her place next to Jesper that night. Her eyes always found the girl and Dawson. He treated her the same way he treated y/n.

Jesper picked up on her gaze. He was holding back when he talked to y/n. It's like he thought she was jealous. But y/n told him she didn't want to see another girl get hurt like she did.

Jesper talked with Dawson that night, leaving y/n and the girl together. y/n told her everything. Jesper told him to leave y/n alone.

He did.

She thanked Jesper.

Dawson didn't show up to any team dinners from then on out. y/n would know because she was always there with Jesper.

The team had an open skate with the public later that month. Jesper skated with fans and with her. He spun her slowly on the ice. They laughed together, something she used to wish she could do with Dawson. She's glad it's not him.

Jesper got down on one knee. y/n said yes. They were getting married. They kissed in front of the crowd of skaters.

y/n walked down the isle a year later. Dawson was invited to the wedding. He came, but sat in the back.

Jesper and y/n loved each other so very much and neither of them would trade it for the world.

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