12 Days of Christmas

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962 words
Luke Hughes
Not requested

12 days of christmas. 12 days of gifts from a secret admirer. y/n was going to find who was giving them to her with the help of her best friend Luke.

"Luke, I got another gift!" y/n yelled as she walked into his dorm room. Luke looked back at the door where y/n was standing, holding the new gift. Luke patted the spot next to him on his bed. y/n sat down next to him to open the gift for the first time. She unwrapped the gift and let the lid of the box open.

"Oh my..." y/n whispered. In the box was the limited edition version of her favorite book trilogy and a card. She didn't see how Luke glanced at her face when she whispered to herself. She opened the card, that wasn't signed, and she read out loud.

"I hope these books are as special to you as you are to me." y/n read aloud to Luke. Her eyes sparkled and her chest tightened. Who could have gotten this?

"Whoever got those must really pay attention to what you're reading. You've only read those books like, 100 times?" Luke jokes. y/n nods.

"I reread these books all the time..." y/n was still speechless. She picked up one of the three books and moved her hands over the cover. She opened the book to look at the fresh, untouched pages, but, those pages had been touched. Sitting there on the very first page of the book was an autograph. (author)'s autograph. y/n's eyes widened.

"Luke, (author) signed it." y/n's eyes watered. This was all too much for her and she couldn't even thank who got it.

"That's so cool, y/n." Luke smiled. y/n nodded softly. She looked up at Luke with glossy eyes.

"So, we know the person knows what I like, books, snacks, drinks, and sports. Who even knows all that?" y/n asked no one. Luke thought for a second.

"Lelia does. Maybe she got everything for you?" Luke suggested. y/n took his guess into consideration, ultimately deciding it was her.

"She has been my best friend for most of my life." y/n supported Luke's guess. Luke nodded.

"Then, we wait until Christmas to say something or...?" Luke wondered. y/n shook her head.

"I'm texting her now. I don't want her to spend anymore money on me." y/n said as she pulled out her phone, clicking on Lelia's contact. There was silence among the two as y/n and Lelia messaged.

"She said it wasn't her..." y/n frowned. Luke sighed with her.

"Who else could it be?" y/n whined. She didn't like the suspense and not being able to give something in return hurt her heart. y/n sighed and laid her head on Luke's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her as she tried to contain her upset mood.

"It'll be okay. You can get them something after you know who they are..." Luke whispered to the girl. She nodded on Luke's shoulder and closed her eyes. Luke leaned his head against hers and continued the YouTube video he was watching before she came.


"Luke! We've got another one!" y/n walked into Luke's dorm for the second time this week. It was the 11th day of Christmas, meaning it was Christmas Eve. Luke was sitting at his desk in the corner of the room. y/n walked to him and stood. He moved his chair away from the desk and let y/n sit down on his lap. They were close enough that sitting as they were practically meant nothing to them.

"I wonder if they're going to reveal who they are." y/n smiled as she unwrapped the small gift. She opened the small box that was left to reveal a beautiful piece of jewelry and a card. Her eyes quickly went to the card and she opened it quickly.

"Find me at a rink or maybe in your newest gift." y/n spoke out loud. She looked back to the jewelry. It was a gold necklace with a beautiful 43 charm. Her eyes widened and her head snapped to Luke.

"It was you?" She whispered. Luke's grin never left as y/n's eyes went back to her new necklace.

"The entire time it was me and you didn't even notice." Luke laughed. y/N's eyes filled with happy tears. She looked back up at Luke. Her joy filled smile never left. She leaned in and kissed his check as a thank you.

"There's one more gift, y/n." Luke said as he loosened his hold around her waist.

"Another?" y/n asked and Luke nodded. He had her get off of his lap and he grabbed another gift from under his bed. It was a medium sized box with y/n's name written on it. Luke handed it to her to open.

y/n opened the gift gently. She opened the box and in it was a t-shirt with a picture of Luke and the words, "I love my boyfriend" under it. y/n's eyes looked back up to Luke who had a nervous smile on his face.

"You're not joking with me, right?" y/n asked, almost breathless.

"I would never joke about us, y/n/n." Luke responded. y/n's eyes brightened and she began to speak.

"You're right, I do love my boyfriend." y/n grinned at Luke. He stood from his bed and pulled off his sweatshirt, revealing his matching shirt with y/n's face on it.

"Oh my god." y/n laughed. She stood also and brought Luke into a tight hug.

"Merry Christmas, Luke."

"Merry Christmas, y/n."

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