Told You Sooner

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Kirill Kaprizov
698 words
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There has been nothing tougher than being just friends with Kirill Kaprizov, and y/n is a professional hockey player, things get tough. Kirill has always been there for her, on and off the ice, and it's made y/n take a liking to him, but that might be an understatement. It's made y/n fall in love with him, but he'll never know.

y/n been on the verge of telling him lately, but if she does she could ruin everything between them, assuming he doesn't love her. Matt Boldy, one of her closest friends, has tried telling her all the little things Kirill says about her whenever she's not there, but y/n can't bring herself to believe him.

She was going to do something about this. She knew she had too.

"That was funny, but very rude to Matt." Kirill laughed at the story y/n was telling as he cooked a simple dish for the both of them. He invited y/n over for dinner one of the nights the team didn't have anything going on just so he could spend time with his closest friend. y/n shrugged.

"He'll be okay. He won't know I told that story unless you tell him." y/n smiled. Kirill shook his head as he heard the words from the girl sitting at his counter. y/n can't seem to pull her eyes away from Kirill as he moves around the small kitchen. He notices, too.

"Something wrong?" He asked, indirectly asking about her staring. y/n's cheeks flush and she shook her head, snapping out of her trance. Kirill nodded and the moment he moves to go back to cooking, y/n speaks.

"Actually, Kirill..." y/n said, standing up and slowly walking around the counter to where Kirill is standing. He doesn't say anything as y/n moves to stand in front of him.

"Don't freak out." y/n spoke softly and Kirill's eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly, everything freezes as y/n takes in what she's about to do. This could be her last time having Kirill as her closest friend.

"Are you okay?" Kirill asked quickly before y/n took a step closer to him, resting her hands on the sides of his face, and planting her lips softly against his. He doesn't kiss her back. When y/n pulls away from him, dropping her hands, he's staring at her in awe.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"I love you, y/n." Kirill's words ring through the air and the newfound silence between the two. y/n's breath hitched and Kirill's just watching her.

"Then, why didn't you kiss me back?" y/n asked quietly in the empty apartment. Kirill looked down and then back up at y/n.

"I did not think it was actually happening. Too good to be true." Kirill smiled at y/n before leaning back in and kissing her again, his lips soft against hers. The moment he pulls away from y/n, she speaks.

"I love you too. I've loved you for so long, Kirill." y/n spoke fast, fast enough that Kirill couldn't really understand her, but he tried. Kirill still wasn't completely fluent in English and y/n was really testing him with her words.

"Matt told me, but I didn't think he was telling the truth." Kirill admitted. y/n's eyes widened before she looked past Kirill, right at their food which was most likely burning on the stove.

"Kirill, the food!" y/n pointed at the pot a few feet away from her, making Kirill turn around and rush over. He moved the pot off the heat before smiling back at y/n.

"We would have had no dinner." Kirill giggled. Oh that beautiful sound, y/n wishes to hear it everyday.

"Can I be your girlfriend?" y/n blurted. Kirill's smile widened.

"Yes." Kirill spoke softly before walking the short distance between him and y/n just so he can place his lips on hers again, his hands on her waist. y/n's hands go back to the side of Kirill's face, holding him against her.

"I wish I would have told you sooner."

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