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Nico hischier
630 words
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y/n was in her room trying on her prom dress for the 5th time that week. y/n's prom was coming up and she didn't want to scare Nico away. The two had met a couple of months prior to her prom and they have been friends ever since. But, she wanted Nico to go with her. She knew she liked him, but she also knew they barely knew each other. She didn't want to wreak everything over a prom.

But the moment he walked into her room everything changed. He looked at her with the most beautiful eyes and she swore she was falling for him again.

"What are you wearing that dress for?" Nico asked in his thick accent. y/n looked back into the mirror.

"Prom." She said to him. Nico nodded and walked across her room and sat on her bed.

"Who are you going with?" Nico asked. y/n silently hoped he was going to ask her to her own prom, but that would be weird, right?

"No one. I'm thinking about meeting up with some friends before it though." y/n responded. Nico just nodded.

"Actually, there is this one guy. I just don't know how to ask him." y/n admits to the guy himself.

"Just be straight forward about it. The worst he can do is say no." Nico says back.

"But that's what him afraid of. If he says no it might ruin everything between us." y/n sighs. Nico shakes his head.

"If this guy really wants to be your friend, he won't let a 'no' come between you guys." Nico says with a smile. y/n smiles.

"Do you want to go to prom with me, Nico?" y/n looks over to shoulder to look at Nico. Nico sits there with wide eyes. y/n instantly looks at the floor through the mirror. Nico stands up and walks over to her. He takes his hand and puts it under her chin, moving her face so she looks at him.

"Of course I will." Nico says as he looks at her with a smile. y/n smiles back and turns to face Nico fully. She wraps her hands around his neck and he returns the hug by wrapping his arms around her waist. The two pull away and Nico then speaks up.

"Now I have something to ask you." y/n nods for Nico to keep going.

"Will you come to the draft with me? I mean like sit next to me and everything." Nico says. Now it's y/n's turn to be shocked.

"Oh my god, yes I will." y/n says. Nico smiles at the excited girl.

"Wait." She says again.

"You want me to sit next to you?" y/n asks. She thought his family would be the people closest to him.

"Of course I do. Why, do you not want to?" Nico asks with a slight frown on his face.

"No, no I do want to, but I thought your family would be the people sitting next to you." y/n admits.

"Well, I want you to sit next to me. If they try to go against me I'll just change where I'm sitting." Nico says while y/n shakes her head.

"No you won't." y/n says to him.

"You're right. I won't since they're my parents, but I really want you next to me. Having one of the most important moments in my life with one of the most important girls in my life next to me would make me the happiest guy ever." y/n just wanted to kiss him right then and there.

"I'm that important to you huh?" y/n says. Nico nods.

"You have been since I met you."

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