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Leon Draisaitl
1047 words
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A/N: And because I promised this if the Oliers won yesterday (we both knew they would), dedicated to tristqnncasas_

Leon skates close circles around y/n, her head turning with every motion from her boyfriend. The empty arena before them makes everything seem just between them, when really, anyone could be in the room with them and they'd never know.

Leon eventually backs y/n into the boards, a smile on his face as he looks at her. He rented out the rink before the Oliers's practice just so they could have a romantic date. Leon tilts his head to the side so he can plant a kiss on y/n's lips. He pulls away for a moment before y/n crashes her lips against his without warning.

"Be careful or else I might be making you suck it in the middle of the ice." Leon jokes with his girlfriend, her laughter never ringing through the air as she looks at him, her lips turning a dark shade of pink because of the rough kissing.

"y/n/n, if you keep looking at me like that I won't be joking much longer." Leon spoke softly before y/n leaned up to kiss him again. She pulls away, leaving the smallest amount of room between their lips as she speaks.

"You don't hear me complaining, now do you?" y/n crashed her lips against Leon's again, his beard tickling her chin. God she loves the way his beard feels. There's something so masculine about it and it makes her feel so dominated every time.

y/n gasps as Leon's cold hands slip under her sweatshirt as they make their way across her skin. His lips leave her's before he takes off her sweatshirt. His mouth attaches to the exposed skin on her neck as she wasn't wearing anything other than a bra under his sweatshirt. Almost like she was planning for this.

"Leon.." His name sounds rough as it gets spoken by y/n. He pulls away from her shoulder, momentarily looking at the marks he made before his eyes found hers.

"I know, but you want it right here?" Leon asks, his voice showing amazement becaus of the girl before him. His fingers run over her back as she begins to answer.

"I want it wherever you'll give it to me." y/n's eyes never left Leon's as she speaks. Her cheeks turn a deep shade of red as she looks into his eyes. They darkness slightly before he hands her back her sweatshirt.

"You'll get cold." Leon spoke softly before reaching his hands under her skirt, feeling for the fabric that could block his access. y/n's gasp sounds through the air as Leon's fingers make contact with her wet pussy. Her head falls onto his shoulder, her body starting to refuse to keep itself up. Leon's barely touched her and she's already a mess.

"You're such a dirty girl, y/n." Leon whispers in her ear before pushing his first finger into her pussy. y/n moans and her hands grip Leon tightly. He moves his finger slowly before adding a second, making the moans from her mouth louder and louder.

"Baby, you'll want to keep quiet or else someone will catch you..." Leon kisses her cheek, an action in contrast to what he's doing to her below her waist. y/n tries to keep her mouth closed, but her hums of pleasure fill the silent space between them.

Leon pulls his fingers out of her and he brings them up to her mouth.

"Suck on them before I fuck you." y/n takes his fingers into her mouth, her eyes lidded as she moves her tongue between his fingers. He watches her mouth work as his other hand pushes down his sweatpants and boxers just enough to let his dick into the cold air. He takes his fingers out of her mouth and moves her panties to the side.

"We might need to do this against the boards." Leon laughs at their situation before guiding y/n backwards, pressing her against the boards before lifting one of her legs and guiding it to his waist. His eyes flicker back to her face for any sign of unwant before he pushes into her.

"Oh my god!" Leon's hand comes up to her mouth, silencing her the best he can. Soon enough, he removes his hand and replaces it with his lips, kissing y/n sloppily. His grip on her thigh tightens as he thrusts into her harder. y/n gotten to the point where she'd slip and fall if Leon didn't have her pressed roughly against the boards. Her legs are too weak to support her, all because of Leon.

He pulls out and is motioning quickly for y/n to get to her knees. y/n's breathing is sporadic as she comes down from the pleasure and takes Leon's dick in her mouth. Leon grabs at her hair, pulling on it during surges of pleasure.

"I'm coming, baby." Leon's grip tightens as much as it can as he cums into y/n's mouth. She bobs her head a couple times more before pulling off and swallowing. She climbs off her knees with the help of Leon and he plants a quick and loving kiss on her lips.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about Drai!" Zach Hyman yells from the bench where he's just arrived.

"When'd you get here?" Leon asks, shielding y/n from Zach's view. He knew this encounter would be too much for her as she just got walked in on giving head.

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything. I saw her get off the ground and that's about it." Zach laughs, they really thought he couldn't hear them before walking in? He could practically hear them from the parking lot. But, they don't need to know that.

"Go out through the visitor's tunnel. I'll meet you in their locker room." Leon whispers to y/n, giving her directions to get out in a way she wouldn't have to pass people who potentially heard her. She nods before skating away, leaving Leon with Hyman.

"Seriously, don't tell anyone, more for her sake than mine." Leon asks. Zach nods, a serious smile on his face.

"I'd never. That says between you guys and the ice." Zach laughs before stepping on the ice.

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