Meant To Be

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Luke Hughes
930 words
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y/n sighed happily as she looking in the mirror before going to take prom photos with her date, Ethan Edwards. He asked her to prom a couple weeks ago before the theme was even out. y/n knew this was going to be a special night because of his enthusiasm to go with her.

But then he didn't show up.

y/n was waiting for him at her house where they were going to do the 'first look', but he never came. It broke her heart, but then something clicked. Ethan never showed any interest in her in a way that would make her think he likes her the way that he implied. He was only friends with her since then because she was friends with Luke.


Luke wasn't going to prom. He said the girl he wanted to go with was already going with someone else. That was a valid reason to not go because who wants to spend their entire night watching someone you wanted to go with be with someone else? But, maybe, just maybe, Luke would go with her instead.



y/n: Would you go to prom with me?

Luke: I thought you were going with Ethan?
Luke: But yes.

y/n: He blew me off.

Luke: I'll meet you at your house. What color are you wearing?

y/n: Yellow like beauty and the beast.

Luke: You've always said you'd wear that same dress one day.

y/n: You remembered?

Luke: How could I not?


This was such a bad moment for y/n to realize something, but she couldn't help the giddiness she felt when Luke said he remembered such a small detail. It's been him all along and maybe that's why Ethan didn't show up. He knew it before y/n did.

When Luke arrived they had no time for photos, but that's okay. She had Luke and that's all she really wanted. He was wearing a dark blue tux that he definitely took from one of his brother's closets as it didn't fit as it should. But, Luke looked perfect. He always did.

"Did you pick the blue on purpose?" y/n asked, seeing the resemblance between them and Belle and the Beast. Luke smiled, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"I already said I remember your plan to wear the dress... I just didn't tell you I remembered your idea for your date to wear a suit as the prince." Luke spoke softly, stepping closer to the girl in front of him. His hand made it's way to her cheek and y/n thought it was going to happen. He was going to kiss her. Then a camera flashed and they both turned their heads to were the flash came from. y/n mom was standing there along with Luke's mom. She must have drove him over.

"You guys are so cute together. Luke's been talking about wanted to go to prom with you for a very long time, hun." y/n's cheeks flushed and Luke's hand dropped from her face to cover his own.

"Mom." Luke dragged out the ending of the word. y/n laughed at his shyness.


"Luke..." y/n whispered as the next song started. It was a slow song that Luke definitely requested, just for them. It seemed as if everyone's eyes were on them as the song played.

"Come on, we need to dance to this one." Luke took her hand and dragged her out on to the dance floor there all of the other couples were. Then y/n saw him. Ethan was at prom. He was there with a friend of y/n's. But then, her eyes were back on Luke and she couldn't seem to care.

Luke leads the way as he sways them back and forth for the entirety of the song. y/n could feel a pair of eyes on her, she knew who it was, but she didn't take her eyes off of Luke. He has that same look in his eyes as he did when he first arrived at her house. The song was going to end soon and Luke wasn't taking any chances. y/n moved her head closer to Luke and kissed him. He kissed her back quickly. When he pulled away his eyes were clouded with confusion.

"You like me like that?" He asked quickly. y/n nodded, her eyes wide. Luke seemed to have more questions as the song ends and they go to walk off of the dance floor.

"I thought you liked Ethan?" Luke asked. y/n shrugged.

"I thought I did too, but there was something keeping me to you." y/n smiled as Luke took her hand.

"It's always been you for me, y/n. Ever since you moved next door, I knew it was going to be you." Luke smiled as he walked slowly with her. Then he hesitated his next words, but spoke soon after.

"I've loved you for a very long time, y/n, and this can't be just for tonight. I can't be your backup plan." Luke spoke seriously, his eyes showing nervousness and longing. y/n smiled softly at Luke.

"This won't be a just-tonight thing, Luke. I want to be with you and I'm sorry it took so long for me to figure it out." y/n's smile never fell as Luke leaned in to kiss her again. This is where they were meant to be. Just as they've always known, they were meant to be here, together.

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