Someone Gets Hurt

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Nico Hischier/Jack Hughes
548 words
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Jesper walked into the party wearing his torn up suit and the scariest makeup his parents and him could muster up an hour before. He didn't fit in at this party. Left and right there were boys wearing close to nothing and kissing someone, or just one of the two. Then, he found them.

Jack Hughes, the leader of the three, or as some may call him, the Regina George, but Jesper's never seen that movie so he doesn't understand why. He's wearing white dress pants, don't tell anyone he said this, that hug in all the right places, a white button up shirt, which isn't very buttoned, and his beautiful dark hair was messly framing his face. Yeah, he looks perfect, ice queen as some may say, but it's only what they expect from him. Standing with him in equally sluttly outfits, Alexander Holtz and Tyler Toffoli.

"Hey." Jesper spoke slow as he reached the people. The three look over and instantly look over at each other, seeming speaking telepathically even though it's not possible. Whatever conversation they were having seemed to have died down as Jesper spotted Nico Hishier, the real reason he was here, from over Jack's shoulder. He followed his gaze, looking right at the man in the hockey jersey.

"I can go talk to him for you, if you know, need me too." Jack offers, a smile on his face. Jesper's eyes brighten at the offer, making him nod his head yes right away. Jack smirks as he turns to walk to Nico.


"Face it, you used me. You saw the clothes and super model pose and you took it." Jack says, calmer than what his words make him seem. Nico stands in front of him, his eyes wandering over the exposed skin on Jack.

"Jack, I-"

"Was I too proud with you? Was I too cold and forbidding to make you choose her over me? Are you kidding me?" Jack says, his eyes narrowing at the lack of attention of Nico. Nico sighs and crosses his arms infront of his chest.

"If you're going to her, just go." Jack says with a sigh equal to the one Nico put out, but his acting works and Nico stays. He steps closer, looking over his shoulder at the waiting Jesper. Nico doesn't speak. He watches and waits for Jack to try and get what he wants.

"It's fine... damn, you're fine, and it's fine!" Jack can't seem to make up his mind as he begins to speak again, never letting Nico get a word in.

"'Til someone gets-" Then Nico's lips are on Jack's. There's a glass breaking in the distance, no doubt Jesper dropped his cup. Nico pulls away, their foreheads still touch, their lips inches apart.

"'Til someone gets hurt?" Nico asked. Jack nodded and leaned back into Nico, taking his lips into another kiss.

Jesper went home from the halloween party in tears, Alexander and Tyler chasing after him, but he didn't stop. He didn't stop unti he walked through his front door. He showered, changed into his favorite comfy clothes, and watched the movie Mean Girls for the first time. Maybe people were right to call Jack Hughes 'Regina George', but also, he should be called a backstabbing, fugly slut.

A/N: This entire thing was a mean girls/mean girls musical reference... but did you see what I did there in the last sentence. It makes me laugh how cool I think I am sometimes.

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