More Than The Stanley Cup

529 5 3

Dawson Mercer
718 words
Requested by @mattdawsonl0v3r

1 Minute. 3-3

30 seconds. 4-3

15 seconds. 4-3

The buzzer sounds and the Minnosota Wild have officially won the Stanley Cup Championship. y/n won a Stanley Cup against the Devils. Against Dawson. She took away a win from her boyfriend, the person who she knew wanted this win more than she did.

Her teammates hop the boards and gather in their end of the ice, hugging and yelling, throwing around gloves and sticks and helmets. Krill Kaprizov skates over to y/n, patting her on the shoulder, congratulating her, before joining the celebration.

y/n watches the other side of the ice. Groups of men crying and hugging each other for the opposite reasons as the Wild. y/n saw him. She saw the love of her life stop skating and stare at her. She slowly skated over to him, her arms wide open for him to fall into. She heard his sobs as he crashes into her. y/n hold him for as long as he needs.

"You should be celebrating with your team." Dawson cries as he clings onto her. y/n shakes her head even though he couldn't see her. Dawson's head was pressed into her neck, shielding himself from everyone else in the room, blocking out the cheers and boos.

"I will always choose you." y/n said with a smile on her face. The excitement of winning the cup still hasn't caught up with her yet. She doesn't think it ever will. Dawson pulls away from her, his hands still resting on her body, feeling her jersey.

"But, you just won the Stanley Cup and your over here with me." Dawson's face is full of tears as he talks. y/n knows he's right. She knows that she'll have to go with her team eventually, but not now. Not when Dawson's like this.

"Merc, I will always love you more than a Stanley Cup." Dawson's breathing hitched and more tears fell from his face. He tried to wipe them away, but it was a lost cause.

"I love you too, y/n." Dawson spoke with a sad voice. y/n smiles as she moved closer to him, hugging him one more time before it's time to shake hands.


"y/n should get to hoist the cup first." Boldy spoke out from their team. There are people who agreed throughout the group, but y/n didn't. She didn't want to be the first person to hold the cup. That place should go to the person with the greatest impact on their team, not the only girl in the league. They promised her no benefits and this counts as one.

"I can't." y/n said, a nervous smile on her face. People instantly started disagreeing with her, but she just can't do it, maybe for more reasons than one.


It's y/n's turn to get a picture with the Stanley Cup, but it's just her on the ice. Or so she thought. From behind her a hand places on her padded shoulder. Dawson.

"Oh, Daws. You don't have to do this. I know it's going to hurt you." y/n knew how much he wanted this and seeing it being celebrated for someone else has to hurt. It would hurt y/n for sure.

"I know you've always wanted someone to be here to take this photo with you and you matter more to me than myself." Dawson spoke with the same compassion as y/n did early. He loved her and this is the moment he really shows it. y/n's going to marry this man one day. If it happens sooner than later, maybe her turn with the stanley cup will be her taking it to their wedding. That'd be a sight to see.

"What are you thinking about in that head of yours?" Dawson asks after they take a photo together. y/n smiles at him before skating off and away from some of the other people.

"Just you and how much I love you." y/n tilts her head to the side and grabs Dawson's hands, pulling him around the ice as she skates backwards. She can't wait to see the photos people took of them. They're going to be her lockscreen for a long time.

A/N: this idea was originally so short and I was going to write it for Luke but I had a request so

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