Emergency Contact

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525 words
Jack hughes
Requested by @yourA_THOT

Jack sat in his kitchen as his phone rang. It was just a number and he decided to mess with the person on the other line. As he picked up the phone he wanted to start of like a normal phone call.

"Hello?" Jack asks.

"Hello, this is St. Micheals Medical Hospital. Is this Jack Hughes?" Jack stood there stunned. The hospital was calling him, but why?

"Yeah, this-this is him. What's going on?" Jack asks with a bit more panic in his voice.

"We'd like to inform you that y/n was involved in a car crash eariler this evening. You were set as her emergancy contact." The lady on the other end said without any sort of sympathy. Jack's breath hitched when he hear her name.

"Is she okay?" Jack asked with fear in his voice. The girl on the other end hummed.

"She'll be okay. Just some bruising and soreness, but for right now we'd like you to come down and take her home." The lady said. Jack nodded and then instantly remembered she can't see him.

"Yeah I'll be right there." Jack said before the lady hung up. Jack grabbed his coat and slipped on the nearest pair of shoes and practically ran out of the door. Ty, hi roommate, called after him as he left the door open. Jack hopped into his car and headed to the hospital.


Jack ran through the automatic doors that seemed as if they would never open. He speed walked to the girl at the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here to see y/n l/n. I was called just now to come take her home."  Jack spoke with urgency. The lady at the desk couldn't move fast enough for him. She told him and the room number and he started down the long hallways.

When Jack got to her door he took a breath. He then knocked and a faint 'come in' sounded from the other side. He slowly opened the door to reveal y/n sitting on the side of the bed. He rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Are you okay? What happened? Was it your fault?" Jack kept asking questions. y/n smiled slightly at him.

"My body hurts and it wasn't my fault." y/n said. Jack nodded. Then he realized he was still holding onto her shoulders, where she was probably hurt. He let go of her and she sighed.

"Let's go home." Jack said as he grabbed her hand and helped her up. y/n walked with him out of the door and to the front desk where she was to check herself out.


"I'm really glad you actually came." y/n said softly. She was sitting in the passenger seat of Jack's car as he took her home.

"Why didn't you take me off your emergency contact when we sort of... fell off?" Jack asked. As much as he loved y/n, he couldn't talk to her all of the time because of hockey and that made their relationship really tough.

"If I get hurt, there isn't anyone else I'd want by my side."

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